This repository contains my experiments with the Generative Adversarial setting of Neural Networks.
The name very much explains it up. GANs are a class of generative models. GANs were introduced to the world by Ian J. Goodfellow and group of researchers at university of Montreal in 2014. Their paper titled 'Generative Adversarial Nets' - is seen as one of the millenial papers in deep learing.
GANS are pitched against other generative models such as:
- Probabaility Distribution
- Pixel CNN
- Pixel RNN
- Varitional Auto Encoders
GANS have been used extensively in many areas. Few very prominant and unique ones are
- Super Resolution GAN - for image resolution.
- Progressive GAN - for image generation.
- Music GAN - for music generation
- MaskGAN - for Text generation.