
Primary LanguageCMIT LicenseMIT

Note: This st build is from Luke Smith but with my own custom key bindings.

Luke's build of st - the simple (suckless) terminal

The suckless terminal (st) with some additional features that make it literally the best terminal emulator ever:

Unique features (using dmenu)

  • follow urls by pressing alt-l
  • copy urls in the same way with alt-y
  • copy the output of commands with alt-o

Bindings for

  • scrollback with alt-↑/↓ or alt-pageup/down or shift while scrolling the mouse.
  • OR vim-bindings: scroll up/down in history with alt-k and alt-j. Faster with alt-u/alt-d.
  • zoom/change font size: same bindings as above, but holding down shift as well. alt-home returns to default
  • copy text with alt-c, paste is alt-v or shift-insert

Pretty stuff

  • Compatibility with Xresources and pywal for dynamic colors. system font.

Other st patches

  • Boxdraw
  • Ligatures
  • font2
  • updated to latest version 0.8.4

want transparency.

How to configure dynamically with Xresources

For many key variables, this build of st will look for X settings set in either ~/.Xdefaults or ~/.Xresources. You must run xrdb on one of these files to load the settings.

For example, you can define your desired fonts, transparency or colors:

*.font:	Liberation Mono:pixelsize=12:antialias=true:autohint=true;
*.alpha: 0.9
*.color0: #111

The alpha value (for transparency) goes from 0 (transparent) to 1 (opaque). There is an example Xdefaults file in this respository.