
A online interactive editor for generating realistic terrain with procedural weathering and iterative erosion simulation. Support export to obj and png height maps

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A online interactive editor for generating realistic terrain with procedural weathering and erosion iterative simulation.

Interactive Editor Export as .obj and .png height maps

Export Results

The following heightmap (512x512) was exported to Blender and rendered with Eevee output result to blender from the original heightmap generated at 512x512 at 300k iterations.
raw heightmap

Full Size Image

Command line tool

The simulator comes in a command line tool format as well in addition to the online interface. Usage:

$ erosion-sim

Command line tool for generating realistic terrain heightmap through a iterative 
erosion simulation. Program takes in either a pre-existing heightmap in .png 
format or can generate a new heightmap using OpenSimplex noise, and can output
in .png .obj, and .stl file format for importing to other software. 

Copyright (c) 2021 Henry Jiang 

USAGE: erosion-sim [options]
		If input image is not specified, then noise parameters must be passed 
		in. If arguments are missing, then the default values will be used.
		-i <imagefile>          Pre-existing heightmap. Must be square. 
		--default_random        Use default noise settings with a random seed
		--seed seed             Sets the noise seed
		--octaves octaves       Sets how many layers of noise there will be
		--persistence persist   Sets how much each layer's contribution
		--scale scale           Sets the inital noise scale
		--height height         Sets the inital height
		-n, --iterations iters  The number of iterations. Heavy impact. 
		Recommends [ 5 * size ^ 2 ] iterations.
		If any arguments below is not supplied, then the default values are used.
		--use_default           Use the default erosion parameters
		--drop_radius radius    Specify the droplet radius. Heavy impact.
		--droplet_life time     How long the droplet lives for. Heavy impact.
		--inertia mass          Sets droplet's inertia
		--sediment_cap cap      Sets max carrying capacity
		--deposit_speed speed   Sets the deposit speed
		--erode_speed speed     Sets the erosion speed
		--evaporate_speed speed Sets the evaporation speed
		-o <outputfile>         Specify the output filename(s)
		--quality size          Only for obj. Specify the output quality 
		--format={png|obj|stl}  Specify the export format
		--save-preview          Save the heightmap before erosion