Code Review: Customer Class


The "Customer" class is well-structured as a JPA entity, with proper annotations for database persistence. It includes fields, constructors, getters, setters, equals, hashCode, and toString methods.


Consider using Lombok annotations to reduce boilerplate code.

Code Review: CustomerRepository Interface


The "CustomerRepository" extends Spring Data JPA's JpaRepository. It's correctly structured, but for a more comprehensive approach, introduce a CustomerService for business operations.


Create a CustomerService to handle business logic.

Code Review: Main (Controller) Class


The "Main" class is the application's entry point, following RESTful conventions. However, it's recommended to introduce a service layer to separate data access from the controller.


  • Inject CustomerService in the constructor for better separation of concerns.
  • Implement proper error handling and response status codes.

Response and Exception Handling

Consider creating dedicated error and exception handling classes for comprehensive application-wide exception management.