Demo Subscription stack

This is a subscription app stack meant to demonstrate microservices without proxy-service and the subscription to our newsletter.


This stack uses our prepared boilerplate services available in Mutable's public repos.

service-subscribe: Repo
service-sendmail: Repo
service-www service: Repo

Backend services are built using Hapi, Joi, Swagger and SendGrid for subscription, and confirmation email.

Install all the dependencies by navigating into each service and running the npm install command.

Run the services through the Mutable app or via Terminal.

In the browser navigate to the port that is assigned to service-www. ex:http://localhost:1234


service-www is the frontend service with an API directly connected to service-sendmail and service-subscribe


service-sendmail and service-subscribe are microservices that handle subscribing and email confirmation requests.


Frontend and Backend APIs are hardcoded and this stack example operates without a proxy-service which would normally redirect the API requests from the front to the corresponding endpoint in the stack.


POST: /api/subscribe

GET: /api/subscribe/thankyou

External Links