
This repository is for example code used in Learn From Peers sessions beginning in Fall 2014.

#Spring 2015 Schedule

Date Topic Presenter Link to presentation
04/15 So you want to write a paper? -- The art of academic paper writing. Zack Chase Lipton Representative Image
04/22 Pretty Fly for a Brown Guy: Arjun's Plane and Simple Guide to Getting a Private Pilot's License Arjun Roy Google Doc
04/29 Advanced vim tricks Keaton Mowery
05/06 (Available for sign-up)
05/13 Lockpicking 101 Grant Jordan
05/20 Nutrition and Training: Pointers on Healthy Living in Grad School Sheeraz Ahmad Link
05/27 (Available for sign-up)
06/03 (Available for sign-up)

#Winter 2015 Schedule

Date Topic Presenter Link to presentation Link to code
01/28 Intro to Pandas - Python data analysis library Danny Y. Huang Dropbox
02/04 Intro to Go Lonnie Liu Google Doc
02/11 NONE
02/18 Advanced Git Concepts - "Merging vs Rebasing: finding a good git branching model for efficient development." Jules Testard Presentation Dropbox
02/25 NONE
03/04 Writing your own Chrome extensions Neha Chachra Github

#Fall 2014 Schedule

Date Topic Presenter
10/15 D3 Valentin
10/29 Chrome Dev Tools Wilson
11/05 Julia Tristan
11/12 Git Anup
11/19 tcpdump Karyn
11/26 Kickstarter Experience with Codespells Lindsey/Stephen (CANCELLED)
12/03 Postgres Kian Win
12/10 Floating Point Numbers Marc
12/12 How to Throw a Party Valentin

#Miscelleneous LFP resources

Topic Presenter
Staying fit in grad school Sheeraz
Chrome Extensions Neha
R and ggplot Neha