
Mongo string replace

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


Replace string occurrences in MongoDB fields


  • Create a backup of the database for safety in case anything goes wrong
  • Create a copy of .env.example and name it .env
  • Update the variables in .env to match your db, target string and replacement string
  • Follow the format of in/fields.example.json to create in/fields.json
  • Carefully specify all the fields on which to perform string replacements

Input format

The formats below are allowed for the in/fields.json file:

  • <collection>.<field>
    • users.email
    • clients.warehouse
  • <collection>.<field>.[depth-1-subfield].[depth-2-subfield].[...]
    • reports.meta.downloads
    • articles.magazine.editor.name

Overall structure


Run the application

Ensure everything on .env and in/fields.json is set up properly.

Install dependencies:

  • Run: yarn or npm install

Start processing:

  • Run: yarn start or npm start