
Primary LanguagePython


This script is built to aid in parsing windows registry artfacts for forensics or incident response investigation rather than imaging the whole hard drive. installing dependences

To install RegSkewer dependences run the following command on a privileged terminal:

pip3 install -r requirment.txt


Make sure that install python3 and thre depecies mentioned on requirements.txt.RegSkewer can read diret file and logs or just specify the path for the whole collected hives. There are multiple options including webview that goes with "-w" arges once you finished parsing your artifacts. For more details (try python3 regskewer.py -h). The following is the list of argument :

usage: regskewer.py [-h] [-p PATH] [-f FILE] [-l [LOG [LOG ...]]] [-pl PLUGIN] [-w] [-a] [-ls] [-v] [-k]

optional arguments:

-h, --help show this help message and exit -p PATH, --path PATH Path to all hives -f FILE, --file FILE Parse single file -l [LOG [LOG ...]], --log [LOG [LOG ...]] Parse the log files -pl PLUGIN, --plugin PLUGIN select single plugin -w, --web View rsults in webmode -a, --all_plugins select all plugins -ls, --list list all plugins -v, --verbose Enable verbose output -k, --kuiper Enable kuiper output


Let's say you want to parse all of the artifacts that collected eariler using Horder or Kape then all you need to do is:

python3 regskewer.py -p [folder] -a

After the script finishes it will generate the results on "Results" folder located on the same foldered as regskewer.py file.

To view the result using your browser, all you have to do: python3 regskewer.py -w From the web view you can download the results with multiple format including "csv,xlsx,pdf" or even print it right away.


this project depends on YARP havily https://github.com/msuhanov/yarp
GPLv3, unless mentioned otherwise.

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