cloned from lecture video

Assignment1 - React Weather Forecast


There are 40 data in the 5 day / 3 hour api (index 0 ~ 39)
Here we define:
First day : list[0] ~ list[7]
Second day : list[8] ~ list[15]
Fifth day : list[32] ~list [39]
You can use one of the data to represent that day.

Or, you can use 16 day / daily forecast data.
First day : list[0]
Second day : list[1]
Fifth day : list[4]

If you are not using OpenWeatherMap API to get weather data, you will get 0 points.

  1. (20%) Present weather of the first day on top of the weather table correctly.
  2. Present weather of the second to the fifth day in the weather table component (total 60%)
  1. (20%) Responsive : Show only the second to the third day in the weather table component on portrait mobile devices.


  1. (30%) Show weather info using user's current geo-coordinates.
  2. (60%) Display forecast data in a modal (dialog window) or on the map directly using pin to query.
  3. (10%) Can pin to query on the same page repeatedly. (You can implement a button to dismiss forecast data of the pinned location.)


Sumbit your work before 2017/04/13 (Thur.) 23:59:59.