
We are in the mission of solving a crisis for a lot of small and medium enterprises, who are trying to recruit interns for their projects. This platform aims to onboard new interns, who have applied to the companies and help them understand the process and make the transition smooth.

Primary LanguageHTML

Internship OnBoarding Platform with Learning Management System

We are in the mission of solving a crisis for a lot of small and medium enterprises, who are trying to recruit interns for their projects. This platform aims to onboard new interns, who have applied to the companies and help them understand the process and make the transition smooth.

Winter of Code Series!

Check out the Winter of Code Series on YouTube. It will give a great start for you, if you're a complete fresher! Also, I would kindly request you to subscribe to my YouTube Channel, so that you'll be getting notifications of awesome things!

To start contributing, directly jump to the Steps to Contribute and follow everything. In case, if you're unsure, please check out the FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions).


About the Project

Project Modules

The front end is open sourced, while back end is still closed for outside collaborators. This project contains multiple parts.

  • Internship OnBoarding
  • Project Management
  • Learning Management System
  • Certification Management
  • Coupon & Payment Gateway

Tech Stack

We are primarily considering JavaScript (sorry, not TypeScript) as the base language. We are using MERN Stack for this, where the tech stack consists of:

  • Bootstrap 5 for the Front End
  • React JS with both Class & Functional Components
  • Node JS & Express JS
  • MySQL or PostgreSQL (yet to be decided)

Important Note:

The typical MERN Stack involves MongoDB + ExpressJS + ReactJS + NodeJS. But, if you consider our product, it really needs a hierarchical database management system and not a document oriented one. MongoDB doesn't perform well under a lot of situations, so we're planning to use MySQL (or MariaDB) or PostgreSQL (We have already mentioned that it's yet to be decided between these two]. I hope this note helps people understand why we are not using MongoDB in MERN Stack.

Project Landing Page: Winter of Code

I am currently building the landing page for the Winter of Code. It's going on in a steady state and I'll let everyone know as soon as possible once this is done! So far, I have got till here, I hope it looks good:

Website Preview


Contributions to this project are currently welcome through one of the following channels:


  1. If you have not registered yet, please go ahead and register as a participant or a mentor. Start your conversation with us on Discord (DevScript WoC) project room or Slack Channel (Script WoC).
  2. If you're absolutely clueless, please start with learning the requirements needed for this project by following the videos on Winter of Code. Hey, don't forget to hit the subscribe button!
  3. Once registered, to show your interest, please Star this repository.
  4. Please wait till Jan 10th 5pm IST for more information about this project, contribution guidelines and the plan. My team and I are working super hard to get the issues and project flow updated, plus we are talking with the local companies for internships too. Please give us some time. It's going to be awesome.
  5. Don't forget to check out my YouTube Channel, where a lot of information about the project will be given! Plus there are super awesome tech talks! 😁 Don't miss them.

Be awesome and follow the guidelines.


What is Winter of Code?

DevScript Winter of Code is an open-source program envisioned by DevScript that helps understand the paradigm of Open Source contribution. It aims to bring students into the world of open source development and see the power of unified problem solving in real time.

Script Winter of Code is an open-source program envisioned by the Script Foundation. It aims to bring students into the world of open source development and see the power of unified problem-solving in real time. The projects that we will host have been carefully hand-picked to invigorate creative thinking and encourage collaboration among all participants.

The students will be guided by experienced mentors throughout their journey. They will learn the skills essential in the world of programming, all the while developing a deep appreciation for the world of open-source.

When is the last day to register in this event?

For DevScript Winter of Code, the registrations are open till Jan 25th, 2021 and tentatively, it's going to be extended till Feb 25th, 2021!

For Script Winter of Code, the registrations have been closed already.

How long will the program last?

Both the programmes are two to three months long.

What technologies should I know to participate in this?

As long as you want to work on the following technologies, you're good. You don't need to thoroughly know them, as I'll be able to teach most of them!

  • Basic Front End (HTML & CSS) and SCSS
  • JavaScript (ES5 and ES6 upto ES2020)
  • React JS along with Node JS

What if I don't know any of the mentioned technologies, but I am ready to learn?

That's completely fine. Just ping me on LinkedIn and I am more than happy to teach you!

Where's the code? Is anything available?

Nothing is there other than this ReadMe document. Please hold your horses until the launch event on 30th.

What will you get in return by contributing to this project?

Goodies, swags, internships! For internships in the UK, please talk to me.

When are we starting the project?

The project should have everything to be getting started by the New Year's Eve!

What's the process for contributing to this project?

Please check the contributing guidelines of my previous project, and it's going to be almost same.

Who are the project maintainers and mentors for this project?