Hello , This is Ansh!

Welcome to my GitHub.

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  • 🎓 I'm an engineering student at KJSCE, Mumbai.
  • ⚡ Full-Stack Development
  • 🔰 I'm currently learning Flutter for Mobile App Development!
  • 🔥 Besides programming, you may find me watching Anime or playing mobile games.
  • 👽 Learning any technology that apears on my way.

💬 Languages :  Python   Dart   JS

🖥️ Front End :  HTML  CSS   JS   Jquery

🗄️ Back End :  Node  Firebase  Python

🧩 Frameworks :  Django  Flask  Flutter  Bootstrap  React

🕹️ Other Tools :   VSCode  React  Chrome  Postman

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Note: This is only a metric of the languages my public code on GitHub consists of and does not reflect my expertise or skill level.
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GitHub Streak
🧮 Best Repositories
Pokedex Button Animations