
Implementations of many algorithms

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

Algorithms by Muthukrishnan

Search Algorithms

Algorithm Status
Bloom Filter ✔️
Linear Search ✔️
Binary Search ✔️
Interpolation Search ✔️
Knapsack Problem - Branch and Bound ✔️
Hill Climbing TSP ✔️
Tabu Search ✔️
Breadth First Search ✔️
Depth First Search ✔️
Greedy Best First Search ✔️
Dijkstra's Algorithm ✔️
A* Search ✔️
B* Search ✔️
Kruskals Algorithm ✔️
Prims Algorithm ✔️
Floyd Warshell Algorithm ✔️
Bellman Ford Algorithm ✔️
Beam Search ✔️
terative Deepening Depth-First Search (IDDFS) ✔️
Cuckoo Hashing ✔️
Cuckoo Filter ✔️
Genetic Algorithm ✔️
Ant Colony Optimization Algorithm ✔️
Nearest Neighbour Search Algorithm ✔️
Monte Carlo Tree Search Algorithm ✔️