Banker's Algorithm

This C program implements the Banker's Algorithm for deadlock avoidance. It takes input regarding the number of processes, number of resources, maximum resource table, and allocated resource table. Then it checks for safe or unsafe states and displays the safe sequence if the system is in a safe state.


The Banker's Algorithm is used to avoid deadlock by determining if allocating a requested resource to a process will leave the system in a safe state or not. This program simulates the algorithm by checking the current resource allocation and the maximum claim of each process. It then checks if granting a request will lead to a safe state or not.


  • Number of processes (p).
  • Number of resources (r).
  • Maximum resource table (maxclaim[][]).
  • Allocated resource table (curr[][]).


  • The program outputs the current allocation, maximum claim, and available resources.
  • It checks for a safe state and outputs whether the system is in a safe state or not.
  • If the system is in a safe state, it displays the safe sequence.

Code Explanation

  • The program initializes data structures and takes user input for the number of processes, number of resources, maximum resource table, and allocated resource table.
  • It computes the total allocated resources and available resources.
  • Then, it enters the main loop to check for safe or unsafe states.
  • Within the loop, it checks if a process can be executed safely. If yes, it executes the process, updates the available resources, and reduces the count of running processes.
  • If the system is in an unsafe state, it breaks the loop and displays a message accordingly.


  1. Compile the program.
  2. Run the executable.
  3. Enter the required input as prompted.
  4. View the output to determine if the system is in a safe state and the safe sequence if applicable.


Suppose we have 3 processes and 4 resources. The maximum resource table and allocated resource table are provided accordingly. The program will analyze the state of the system and determine if it is safe or not.


  • This program assumes a fixed number of processes and resources.
  • It provides a basic implementation of the Banker's Algorithm for educational purposes.
  • Error handling for invalid inputs is not implemented.