
Primary LanguagePythonGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0


Project no longer maintained

if you are looking for a replacement checkout Tautulli



plexivity is a simple to use WebApp for your Plex Media Server Statistics. It can be seen as an alternative for plexWatch with plexWatchWeb. It connects with your Plex Media Server and is able to notify you on activity.

Sadly plexWatch requires some native compiled 3rd Party extensions wich can not easyly be intalled on some systems (like Synology for example) so i decided to build my own app for that purpose.

you can find some Screenshots here: http://blog.raphaelmutschler.de/plexivity-0-9/


  • PMS 0.9.8.x +
  • PlexPass subscription
  • Python 2.7


  • easy web setup guide
  • login protected web interface
  • notifications for watching, stopped and pause
  • fully localisation support help translate plexivity
  • customizable notification messages

Supportet Notification Providers

  • Boxcar (v2)
  • Pushover
  • Pushbullet
  • Mail
  • Phillips Hue (currently in alpha/development)


plexivity uses the following Projects/Librarys:

##Data Path

Data direcotrys can be found in this locations:




C:\Documents and Settings\yourname\Application Data\plexivity


~/Library/Applications Settings/plexivity





if you like to use a different Direcotry you can set one by useing the PLEXIVITY_DATA environment variable

production install:

pip install -r requirements.txt
python plexivity.py 

you can start plexivity as a deamon by adding --deamon to the command above

SSL Support:

plexivity supports SSL (since version 0.9.8) but to keep up with some environments which do not ship with openssl support out of the box you'll have to install pyopenssl manually by running pip install pyopenssl and change the USE_SSL value in the config file manually to 1

If you like to provide a specific cert/key combination make sure to copy plexivity.crt and plexivity.key to your Data Path (see above). When those files are missing, plexivity will create them for you when you first start it with SSL support.

If pyopenssl is not installed it will automatically fallback to non SSL mode

development install:

plexivity still in development

Install virtualenvwrapper: http://virtualenvwrapper.readthedocs.org/en/latest/index.html

mkvirtualenv plexivity
pip install -r requirements.txt
python manage.py db upgrade
python manage.py runserver

On default this will fire up a webserver on and port 5000 if you like to change that, just give an host and port with -h and -p like this:

python manage.py runserver -h -p 12345

you can find a short development installation video here: https://asciinema.org/a/12778