
A script that reads a Notion Database with daily tasks and sends a Skype message every day with the To-Do List

Primary LanguagePython

Skype + Notion Notification Bot


This is a small project I've worked on during my free time, while trying to optimize my Notion database using their new API and send daily reminders about the tasks/reminders I have scheduled for a specific day, based on my Notion notes.


Use the package manager pip to install the requirements. I've been using the unofficial skpy library for automatizing Skype notifications: please check out their documentations for retrieving the CHAT_ID required in the .env file.

Additionally, I used dateparser for parsing the different dates of the alerts and python-decouple for reading the .env variables.

pip install requirements.txt


Here's an example of my To-Do Notion Page:

my To-Do page

I'm storing my tasks in 4 different categories, depending on their urgency, and sometimes I set up a reminder using the "Alert" subproperty. I decided to connect this database to my Skype Account because Notion's notification system only works through emails or mobile.

my To-Do page

Every day, the bot sends me the tasks/reminders I've assigned to that day through Skype.


This code is based on my personal database, you will have to edit the env. variables and the API call. I hope you will find it useful. Pull requests are welcome.