Build your own online resume!

Task 1 / Classwork 1 (Lecture 3 - HTML)

Just HTML & Content
  • Create your own resume using only HTML

  • Must use the following tags:

    • heading (h1, h2, ...)
    • paragraph (p)
    • div
    • lists (ul-li / ol-li)
    • image (img)
    • links (a)
    • table (th, tr, td, ...)
    • form (form, input, button, ...)

Work & submit in a branch names html

Task 2 / Classwork 2 (Lecture 4 - CSS)

Style your HTML resume using CSS
  • Unleash your creativity
    • Imagine / draw out how you want the content on your resume to look and implement it with CSS
    • You may take inspiration from to see what's possible with CSS

Work & submit in a branch names css

Task 3 / Classwork 3 (Lecture 5 - Responsive Design)

Make your resume site responsive using media queries
  • Use media queries to make your site responsive for mobile devices
  • Test and debug using Chrome Developer Tools

Work & submit in a branch named responsive

Featured Assignments from previous semesters

Spring 2017

HTML CSS Resume by Samina Hossain 1421163 Samina's Resume