
Detects if online/offline i.e connect to the server or not.

Primary LanguageTypeScript


offlinets will check availability of a service by pinging it. An example would be to detect the internet availability in the browser. run npm run demo and open http://localhost:3000 to see this in action.

Version 3


Define any class that should be notified and updated when the state of service changes. The class should have a member updateState(state: StateType, response: Response|Error). updateState is called with StateType as well as the Response.


An instance of ServiceStatus is created like this:

let serviceStatus = new ServiceStatus(new PingService());

ServiceStatus mandatorily takes a PingService as argument. PingService.ping() will be called to check service availability. PingService interface looks like this:

interface PingService {
    ping: () => Promise<Response>;

This ServiceStatus class has an exported member to get the response. It looks like this:

 get Response(): Response | Error {
        return this.response || new Response();
Observer interface:
To annotate the class with the Observe decorator in serviceStatus instance, refer version-2(usage) context.
interface Observer {
    updateState: (state: StateType, response?: Response|Error) => Promise<any>;
    ObserverId?: number;


To start the period ping, refer version-2(usage) context.

Start retrying when sync fails by calling:

syncService.retry(3);// 3 is number for maxRetry.

Version 3 exposes a getter method for a Promise that resolves to SyncStatus.. It looks like this:

get SyncStatus(): Promise<SyncStatus> {

Version 2


Define any class that should be notified and updated when the state of service changes. The class should have a member updateState(state: StateType). Create an instance of ServiceStatus like:

let serviceStatus = new ServiceStatus(new PingService());

ServiceStatus mandatorily takes a PingService as argument. PingService.ping() will be called to check service availability. PingService interface looks like this:

interface PingService {
    ping: () => Promise<boolean>;

Annotate the class with the Observe decorator in serviceStatus instance:

export class SampleObserver {
    state: number = 0;

    //this function will be called when state of the system changes.
    updateState(state: StateType) {
        this.state = 999;
    constructor() {

Start the period ping by calling:

serviceStatus.startPing(1500);// 1500 ms interval period.

Using with Javascript.

var TestObserver = serviceStatus.Observe(function () {
    this.state = 0;
    this.updateState = function () {
        this.state = 999;
        return true;

exports.TestObserver = TestObserver;

Sync Service

Version 2 provides a service can be used to synchronize local data with remote server

Basic Usage
import {SyncService, SyncServiceStatus} from "sync";
let syncService = new SyncService(new OfflineDataService(), maxRetry);
OfflineDataService interface:
interface OfflineDataService {
    //implementation should sync data and return true for success.
    //false for everything else.
    sync(): Promise<boolean> {

    //implement this to check if data exists, 
    //it would be good if this check was fast.
    hasData(): Promise<boolean> {

Set this value to allow number of retries when sync fails. by default its set to Infinity

Version 1


Define any class that should be notified and updated when the state of service changes. The class should have a member updateState(state: StateType) Annotate it with @Observe() passing in the period of ping interval and a PingService as config. Default implementation will be provided if PingService is not found.

PingService interface looks like this:

interface PingService {
    ping: () => Promise<boolean>;

This syntax uses the DefaultPingService.

    period: 1000
export class SampleObserver {
    state: number = 0;

    //this function will be called when state of the system changes.
    updateState(state: StateType) {
        this.state = 999;
    constructor() {

User implemented PingService.

    period: 1000,
    ping: new PingService()
export class SampleObserver {
    state: number = 0;
    //this function will be called when state of the system changes.
    async updateState(state: StateType) {
        this.state = 999;
        return true
    constructor() {

StateType is as follows

export enum StateType {

Core Contributors

Feel free to reach out to any of the core contributors with your questions or concerns. We will do our best to respond in a timely manner.

IntimeTec Syed Fayaz Nandita Khemnani Akhil Sasidharan