PlantConnectome Database

Welcome to the Plant Connectome project! The project is currently in its infancy stages; the latest version of this project is live at:

This GitHub repository is publicly-accessible and serves as a means of hosting the project's application and storing the code generated for this project!

What is PlantConnectome?

PlantConnetome is a database that contains over 300000 entities with several hundred thousand interaction types between the said amount of entities. These entities and interactions were obtained from having GPT process over 100000 paper abstracts from various popular scientific journals.

Folders of this Repository

This repository contains files and folders that are crucial in getting PlantConnectome up and running, of which include:

  1. static

    This folder contains images, CSS, and JavaScript that PlantConnectome's pages use. All CSS are stored in the css sub-directory while all JS are stored in the js sub-directory.

  2. templates

    This folder contains HTML templates that will be rendered and displayed to the user.

  3. tests

    This folder contains unit tests (so far) to ensure that the application is running smoothly.

  4. utils

    This folder contains utility functions that are used by the routes to perform certain functionalities.

  5. routes

    This folder contains the applicaton's routes.