
2D multiplayer coop game

Primary LanguageScala

Battle For Flatland

Game controls

Currently the controls are hard coded.

It is in my plans to allow the user to chose their owns. However, if you wanted to change them, you can head over frontend/src/main/scala/game/Keyboard.scala.

The current controls are:

  • zqsd (or qasd on QWERTY) for moving
  • keys 1, 2, 3,... for using ability, from left to right as their symbols appear at the bottom left of the game.

History was made on June, 3rd, 2020

The first games of BFF were made on the 3rd of June, 2020. The first boss "Boss101" was defeated at 22:12 CEST in presence of

  • Justin Dekeyser, Square
  • Antoine Doeraene, Triangle
  • SĂ©bastien Doeraene, Hexagon
  • Souad Lepoivre, Pentagon
  • Nicolas Radu, Hexagon

Run locally

You want to play locally with your friends? Or perhaps contribute? That's great! We'll walk you through the steps to make it happen.

In order to proceed, make sure you have sbt and npm installed on your machine.

Set up the database

I don't have docker installed

The best is to install docker and jump to the next section. If not, you will need to install postgresql on your machine. Then, within the shared-backend/src/main/resources, create a file named dev.conf and add the lines

slick.dbs.default.db.url = "jdbc:postgresql://localhost:<port>/<db-name>?user=<user-name>&password=<db-password>"

superUser {
  name = ???
  mail = ???
  password = ???

Replace the fields ??? with fields you want for your personal account inside the web app, and fill the <...> information in the JDBC connection string.

I have docker installed

Within the shared-backend/src/main/resources, create a file named dev.conf and add the lines

slick.dbs.default.db.url = "jdbc:postgresql://localhost:30000/battleforflatland?user=postgres&password=somepassword"

superUser {
  name = ???
  mail = ???
  password = ???

Replace the fields ??? with fields you want for your personal account inside the web app. If you have fancy characters, and in any case for the email address, you should enclose your variables in double-quotes.

Then execute the following command

docker run --name some-postgres -p 30000:5432 -e POSTGRES_DB=battleforflatland -e POSTGRES_PASSWORD=somepassword -d postgres

If you are not familiar with docker, here are a few explanations of what this does:

  • --name some-postgres gives a name to the container (doesn't matter much)
  • -p 30000:5432 binds the port 30000 in your machine to the port 5432 inside the docker container. 5432 is the port on which the postgres databases runs. Which means that on your machine the database is available at port 30000
  • -e key=value These instructions adds the key environment variable inside the docker container and binds it to the specified value
  • -d means "detached". That is, the docker container runs in the background
  • postgres this is the name of the docker image. If you don't have it already, docker will automatically download it for you.

If you want to see the list of current docker containers, you should issue the command docker ps. Within the first column of what you see, you have the id of the container, which allows you to docker kill <id> (stop the docker from running), docker rm <id> (remove it entirely), docker restart <id>.

Set up the game server launcher

While in development, we have a "game-server-launcher" to launch the game servers when a game is launched. This is a kind of a "mock up" for a more robust setup, involving, e.g., an Azure gaming service.

The game-server-launcher sub-project is an express server written in Scala-js. You can first compile it using, in sbt,


and you can then launch it using (outside sbt!)

node game-server-launcher/target/scala-2.13/scalajs-bundler/main/game-server-launcher-opt.js

Alternatively, you can simply run (in sbt)


but then you leave an extra sbt console open, which is using resources for basically nothing.

If you have ammonite installed (and not on Windows apparently), you can launch the game-server-launcher.sc. Simply issue the amm game-server-launcher.sc command.

If your game-launcher-server doesn't work, it's not a big deal, and you'll see a message saying what to copy-paste in an sbt shell. Something like

Could not reach game-server-launcher, fall back to manual launch:
Game secret for 595c2cf3-4349-4ff3-a10d-0f7dfc83cf13 is 24b1cb9c-9ce6-4c9b-9755-7ee3edfaab9c.
Game server can be launched in sbt with the command:
game-server/run -i 595c2cf3-4349-4ff3-a10d-0f7dfc83cf13 -s 24b1cb9c-9ce6-4c9b-9755-7ee3edfaab9c

(You can add -h if you want to play with other people. Using the game-server-launcher, it is done by default.)

Adding the game assets

The game canvas will need game assets. You'll need to create images corresponding to all the paths in frontend/src/main/scala/assets/Asset.scala. The referenced resources folder is the frontend/src/main/resources folder.

Launching all the required programs

There are three programs that must be ran in dev mode:

  • sbt dev: runs the frontend with hot reload (port 8080) (If you want to play with other people, you should instead use the build alias command to build the frontend inside the backend's public directory.)
  • sbt backend/run: runs the backend (port 9000) (If you want to play with other people, you should use sbt "backend/run -Dhttp.address=" instead)
  • node game-server-launcher/target/scala-2.13/scalajs-bundler/main/game-server-launcher-opt.js: runs the game-server-launcher (after you compiled it once with sbt game-server-launcher/fullOptJS)

Head over http://localhost:8080 and after 10s you should be able to connect with the super user credentials.



Adding a new Service

Steps to add a new service called MyService:

  • in the shared project, add a new package inside the package services, called myservice
  • in the myservice package, create an object MyService with a inner trait called Service
  • create a package object
  • add a type MyService = Has[MyService.Service] into the package object
  • describes the methods and members the inner Service trait must have
  • for each method, create an accessor method inside the package object
  • by convention, live version in the frontend start with an F, and backend (JVM) version start with a B.

Adding an asset

  • Add the image in the frontend/src/main/resources/assets folder
  • Add the Asset object in frontend/src/main/scala/assets/Asset.scala
  • "Touch" the asset in that same object below (and possibly add it to the map of corresponding assets)
  • Add the asset reference in the game/GameAssetLoader loading list