title author
Attributions for Poverty in Post-Socialist Countries
Markus Kainu & Mikko Niemelä


This site gathers together all the data analysis behind the actual paper. Data analysis is broken down in three parts and each part is presented in .html format for human eyes and in text source including the R-code required for reproducing the analysis. As both the micro data and macro data are available as open data, anyone can rerun these analysis.

Data Analysis

Cleaning the data & variable summaries

html-ouput source code
loading, cleaning and summarizing source

Descriptive analysis

html-ouput source code
Descriptive analysis source
Spatial visualization source
Graphics in the paper source

Misc analysis

html-ouput source code
Comparing waves 2006 and 2011 source
Exploring the macro level correlations source

Modelling the data

html-ouput source code
Regression analysis source

Article draft

Article draft in .pdf

Presentation slides

html-ouput source code
slides source

Take a look also at our project rOpenGov - R Ecosystem for Open Government Data and Computational Social Science

Analytical code is licensed under open FreeBSD-licence.