
Visual TORCS

Primary LanguageC++GNU General Public License v2.0GPL-2.0

This is an all in one package of TORCS. Be aware that some included
artwork has non free (in the GPL sense) licenses, you will find a "readme.txt"
in those directories. The rest is either licensed under the GPL or the Free
Art License.

Non-Free content (in GPL sense)
Here the list with the directories containing non free content, look at the
readme.txt for details:
- data/cars/models/pw-*
- data/cars/models/kc-*

Linux Installation from Source
- Requires plib 1.8.5, FreeGLUT or GLUT, be aware to compile plib with -fPIC
  on AMD64 if you run a 64 bit version of Linux. Be aware that maybe just
  1.8.5 works.
- Untar the archive
- cd into the torcs-1.3.1 directory
- ./configure (use --help for showing the options, of interest might be
  --enable-debug and --disable-xrandr).
- make
- make install
- make datainstall
- start with "torcs"

Command line arguments:
* -l list the dynamically linked libraries
* -d run under gdb and print stack trace on exit, makes most sense when compile
     with --enable-debug
* -e display the commands to issue when you want to run under gdb
* -s disable multitexturing, important for older graphics cards
* -m use X mouse cursor and do not hide it during races

Windows Installation from Source (Release)
- hint: you can have a release and a debug build side by side, the release
  version goes to "runtime" and the debug to "runtimed".
- requires VC++ 6.0 (tested with sp6)
- untar the archive into a path without whitespaces and special characters.
- cd into the torcs-1.3.1 directory
- run setup_win32.bat
- run setup_win32-data-from-CVS.bat
- select the TORCS project and the w32-Release version
- compile project (0 warnings)
- cd into the "runtime" directory.
- run "wtorcs.exe"

Windows Installation from Source (Debug version)
- hint: you can have a debug and a release build side by side, the debug
  version goes to "runtimed" and the release to "runtime".
- requires VC++ 6.0 (tested with sp6)
- untar the archive into a path without whitespaces and special characters.
- cd into the torcs-1.3.1 directory
- run setup_win32_debug.bat
- run setup_win32-data-from-CVS_debug.bat
- select the TORCS project and the w32-Debug version
- compile project (0 warnings)
- cd into the "runtimed" directory.
- run "wtorcs.exe"

Please pick bugs below and retest them (you can find the original reports on
http://sourceforge.net/tracker/?group_id=3777&atid=103777, select "any" bugs to
see as well the closed ones). If you find problems which should be already
fixed or new ones please report them to the torcs-users mailing list.

Getting Help
During the game press F1. For more in depth information visit www.torcs.org,
you find there a lot of information, look at the documentation section on
the left, have as well a look into the list of howto's. If you are stuck
have a look into the FAQ to learn how and where to report a problem.

Have fun, bye


Changes since 1.3.1-test1
- Compile fixes for gcc 4.3 reported by Mart Kelder (Mart Kelder, Bernhard).
- Fixed clutch problems and improved ABS for human driver (Andrew Sumner,
- Set steer speed of car1-trb3 and p406 to 360 (Bernhard).
- Removed outdated README/INSTALL files (Bernhard).
- Updated FAQ and installation instructions (Bernhard).
- Applied wheel-2 texture updates created by Eckhard and Andrew (Eckhard,
  Andrew, Bernhard).
- Changed version to 1.3.1 (Bernhard).
- Fixed #1674545 (Bernhard).
- Replaced track dirt-1 with upgrade from Eckhard (Eckhard, Bernhard).
- Corrected mipmapping/transparency behaviour of new dirt-1 track (Bernhard).

Changes since 1.3.0
- Applied patch for screen resolution change program crash when the path
  contained spaces (Brian Gavin, Bernhard).
- Added new car, car2-trb1 (Bernhard).
- Added new car, car3-trb1 (Bernhard).
- TRB: allow signing in during season, mail tool for admin (Bernhard).
- Added new car, car5-trb1 (Bernhard).
- Added new car, car4-trb1 (Bernhard).
- Suspension improvement, car does not lift up anymore magically on bumpy
  surfaces (e.g. in the grass) (Christos, Bernhard).
- Antirollbars are now functional (Bernhard).
- Rolling resistance is now correctly working (this fixes as well the
  "forever stuck in the sand" and the "wheel spinning like mad and
  car stuck" problems (Bernhard).
- Fixed XML parsing problem with entities (#1651190, reported by Carsten
  Milkau) (Bernhard) 
- Code adjustments for VC 2005 (Eric).
- Added car6-trb1 created by Wolf-Dieter Beelitz and reworked by Bernhard
  (Wolf-Dieter Beelitz, Bernhard).
- Car engine sound is now searched in the cars directory first (Eric).
- Added new car, car7-trb1 (Bernhard).
- Adjusted car1-7 performance settings (Bernhard).
- Improvements for track Ruudskogen by Andrew (Andrew, Bernhard).
- Improvements for track Street-1 by Andrew (Andrew, Bernhard).
- Added new track Forza created by Andrew (Andrew, Bernhard).
- Improvements for track wheel-2 by Andrew (Andrew, Bernhard).
- Totally reworked track e-track-6 by Andrew (Andrew, Bernhard).
- Improvements for track dirt-3 by Andrew (Andrew, Bernhard).
- Improvements for track alpine-1 by Andrew (Andrew, Bernhard).
- Fuel consumption adjustments on car1-7 (Wolf-Dieter, Andrew, Daniel,
- Additional cameras on spring track by Wolf-Dieter (Wolf-Dieter, Bernhard).
- Reparametrized 360-modena, renamed to car1-trb3 (Bernhard).
- Removed unmaintained car models (Bernhard).
- Reparametrized several models (Bernhard).
- Adopted robots to the new car set (Bernhard).
- Applied fix for broken race result list from Jean-Philippe Meuret
  (Jean-Philippe Meuret, Bernhard).
- Applied human driver patch from Andrew and Christos, added minor corrections
  (Andrew, Christos, Bernhard).
- Fixed some gcc 4.2 warnings, not yet all to keep the interface stable
- Adjusted various setups for the suspension code changes (Bernhard).
- Regenerated configure, adopted in files to autoconf changes (Bernhard).
- Updated vc++ 6.0 project files and bat scripts (Bernhard).
- Added new track alpine-2 created by Daniel Schellhammer and Andrew (Daniel,
  Andrew, Bernhard).
- Reorganized bat scripts according suggestion of Jean-Philippe (Bernhard).
- Added texture for inferno 9 (Andrew), tita 9 (Miguel Martinez), inferno 3
  and 8 (Wolf-Dieter), berniw 7, inferno 7, bt 7, damned 7, olethros 7
  (Bernhard), (Andrew, Miguel, Wolf-Dieter, Bernhard).
- Created and added lots of textures for trb1 opponents (Bernhard).
- Updated bat files to deploy textures (Bernhard).
- Reintroduced Olethros on Windows, adjusted project dependencies and made
  code compile (Bernhard).
- Adjusted race modes, take existing cars and tracks (Bernhard).
- Adjusted preset driver "Player" (Bernhard).
- Set steer speed to 360 Deg/s on the trb1 cars (Bernhard).
- Fit background images without distortion, background image aspect ratio is
  16:10 (Bernhard).
- Created new background images (Bernhard).
- Splash screen scaling without distortion, added smoothing (Bernhard).
- Added splash screen created by Eckhard M. Jäger (Eckhard, Bernhard).
- Do not call anymore GfuiIdle for ordinary menus/screens to save power and
  avoid annoying high frequency noise from graphics hardware (Bernhard).
- Redone camera placement of alpine-1 (Bernhard).
- Fixed trackgen not accepting -H option under posix builds (Bernhard).
- Fixed trackgen not building the elevation 3 map (Bernhard).
- Equalized author name formatting for tracks (Bernhard).
- Replaced forza track selection image with a track map (Bernhard).
- Added new background image and color settings to track alpine-1, created
  by Eckhard M. Jäger (Eckhard, Bernhard).
- Fixed wrong texture size constant in openglconfg.cpp (Bernhard).
- Fixed broken car light rendering, more adjustments will be required
- Added new light definitions for trb cars, created by Wolf-Dieter
  (Wolf-Dieter, Bernhard).
- Updated installer for Windows (Bernhard).
- Fixed empty -L option in configure.in, suggested by Jean-Philippe Meuret
  (Jean-Philippe Meuret, Bernhard).
- Reduced number of packages (make packages) (Bernhard).

TODO for 1.3.2
- This is intended as GCC compiler warning fix release. Fixing this warnings
  will break the binary interface compatibility, that is the reason why I did
  it not in 1.3.1. Maybe this will be no official release, we will see...
- Rename *1 category/car (get rid of "*1")
- Rename *ascar category/car (get rid of *acsar)

TODO for 1.4.0
- Adjust categories.
- Apply SDL patch from Brian Gavin (rescheduled to 1.4.0 to get to to test
- Update OpenAL to 1.1, fix use of deprecated stuff.
- Move from VC++ 6.0 to 9.0 (VS2008)

TODO for Compliance
155-DTM -> replace with car8-trb1
acura -> replace with car9-trb1
mc-larenf1 -> replace with car10-trb1
sc-f1 -> replace with car1-ow1 (would be nice to have ~5 different cars)
nascar -> replace with car1-stock1 (would be nice to have ~5 different cars)
p406 -> replace with car1-trb4

- When car is moving sideways, the engine sound source seems shifted to the
  side under OpenAL (2.0).
- Add valgrind option to "torcs".
- Include suppressions file for valgrind.
- (Fix parallel build with make -j n, breaks currently in SOLID) (Bernhard).
- Ongoing for every release: rework free car models (several holes, no
  emmissive color of lod (model becomes dark at a certain distance), single
  sided, add cockpit, lods).
- Ongoing for every release: Improve visual quality of some existing tracks
  (e.g. e-track-3, eventually wheel-1, e-track-2).
- Texture clamp to edge needs explicit setting in nvidia driver tab in windows,
  have a look into that (otherwise the border is not taken as color around the
  pit door, pits are quite dark around the logo).
- fix tools (accc, trackgen, etc, these are way too touchy).
- make trackgen generate two sides for barriers and use just one sided
  polygons (better diffuse lighting).
- fix sound in split screen multiplayer. [in progress] (ask Christos).
- Ongoing: Replace some defines with "static const" to be able to see the
  symbol name when debugging.
- move berniw/bt spline code into math to share it.
- hunt down all glGet* crap during the simulation.
- (Problem when driver list changes during championship.)
- (add proper init/shutdown to every module which is not bound to anything else
  but the loading/init/shutdown/unloading process.)
- (make use of pbuffers to render trackmap if available.)
- Update FAQ
  "mencoder -ovc lavc -lavcopts vcodec=mpeg4:vhq:vbitrate=1800 \*.jpg -mf on:type=jpeg:fps=25"
  the backslash got swallowed by the CMS.

TODO for 1.9.x (pre 2.0 series, no release)
- Design networking, how to embed it into TORCS?
- Networking prototype.
- Gaming modes suitable for online races.
- Cockpit inside view.
- Set up infrastructure for reading binary data files bit with and endianness independent.

TODO for 2.0.0
- Goal: best online racing game in terms of stability/playability. Most
  commercial games really suck in this department, I hope we will do it better.
- Initial Networking.

- Add validation for the case no driver selected, do not exit to
- Fix more memory leaks (already hunt down a LOT there are still more).
- Networking (2.0).
- Rework the whole AC file loaders and state management (most of the remaining
  memory leaks).
- Replace vector/matrix oprations with an efficient implementation (-> use
  SIMD, e.g. enhanced version of v2/v3d.h with SIMD alternatives if compilers
  are not more clever at this time (currently they suck on useful vectorizing)).
- SMP simulaton core (for myself).
- Replays.
- Setup editor (add a function to the robot interface to ask the robot
  about the location or a file handle for its setup file, perhaps a
  close function is needed as well).
- Telemetry recorder/viewer.
- Redesign/Reimplement multitexturing and fileformat.
- Apply light maps to skid marks, smoke and wheels, etc.
- Phong specular highlights (optional env, cube or GLSL).
- Shadowmapped/Stenciled dynamic car shadows.
- Compile/crosscompile on MinGW/Cygwin/Linux for Windows native.
- so/dll with libtool, common code?
- 3d-grass.
- Dynamic sky.
- Pace car and trucks to remove wrecks (remove "virtual" crane).
- More Rules.
- TRB integration.
- Fix/create new simu/switch to updated/new simu.
- (clean up simuv3 conflicts)
- Show just fitting resolutions for fullscreen/change for windowed mode.
- Make it possible for a robot module to carry any arbitrary number of
  drivers (instead of static 10).
- Solve problem of wheels cutting the car body (stencil?).
- Nicer Tires, a bit more round, better lighting.
- Separate components more clean (e.g. ssgInit should go back to
  ssggraph, etc.)
- persistent skidmarks (simply put them back into the shadowmap after
  the race? Extra texture? Just restore them?), restore function.
- Make Windows debug build work.
- Fix windows project such that it compiles in all locations (currently it
  fails if special characters are in the path).
- Avoid cameras cutting the landscape.
- Rework models (holes, just single sided polygons for culling, etc.)
- Check (and fix if neccessary) screenshots on Windows, still wrong gamma?
- API to change setup during the practice mode.
- Timed races (e.g. 24h).
- Allow more mouse events /suggested by Frieder -> mouse wheel for gear
- Start position marks on track (same technique like fake shadow, skids).
- Start procedures (pace car, etc).
- Better transparency for track objects.
- More driving aids, switch to AI and back.
- localization (e.g English, French, German, ...).
- add compatibility lib for strndup etc. on win32.
- New GUI.
- driving/races in reverse track direction.
- Check for consistency of simuv2/simuv3.
- verify that simulation obeys conservation of momentum and energy.
- optimise simuv3.
- Fix engine inertia/s of F1 cars, check/fix all other cars as well.
- Opponent sets for human players (e.g 20 Open Wheel cars, etc.)
- Free camera controlled with mouse and keys.
- Automate GL features verification (hopefully obsolete).

- Weather.
- Dynamic day/night-time, car lights with projective texturing.
- Pit crew.
- Dynamic "intelligent" Objects (e.g. Helicopter)
- Solid/dynamic obstacles.
- Nicer trees etc, terrain LOD.
- Inside view.
- Animated driver.
- Dirt on cars, inside view.
- free terrain.
- Open track dynamically generated when driving.
- Random track generator.
- Separate pit path, Y segments, etc?
- TORCS as benchmark or screensaver?
- Switch to rigid body engine?
- Force feedback.
- (Compressed data files?)
- Story mode with message.
- Traffic simulator