
Network WiFi access, OTA, NTP time and MQTT (via PubSubClient) for ESP8266 and ESP32

Primary LanguageC++MIT LicenseMIT


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The munet libraries use the muwerk scheduler to provide a comprehensive set of network functionality: WiFi connection, Access Point Mode, NTP time sync, OTA software update and MQTT communication for ESP8266 and ESP32 chips with a minimum of code:

#define __ESP__   // Platform define, add #define __ESP32__ for ESP32 (see dependencies)
#include "scheduler.h"
#include "net.h"
#include "mqtt.h"
#include "ota.h"

ustd::Scheduler sched;
ustd::Net net(LED_BUILTIN);
ustd::Mqtt mqtt;
ustd::Ota ota;

void appLoop();

void setup() {
    net.begin(&sched);  // connect to WiFi and sync NTP time, credentials read from ESP file system, (s.b.)
    mqtt.begin(&sched); // connect to MQTT server
    ota.begin(&sched);  // enable OTA updates

    int tID = sched.add(appLoop, "main");  // create task for your app code

void appLoop() {
    // your code goes here.

// Never add code to this loop, use appLoop() instead.
void loop() {

The library provides:

  • WiFi station, access point or both using configuration data from LittleFS/SPIFFS file system (s.b.). Connection to the WiFi network is established automatically. The library handles reconnect and error recovery gracefully.
  • Over-the-air (OTA) update is supported with one line of code [optional]
  • Time synchronization with NTP servers, including daylight saving handling [optional]
  • Connection to an MQTT server (via PubSubClient) [optional] This transparently connects the pub/sub inter-task communication that is provided by the muwerk scheduler with extern MQTT publishers and subscribers. Messages between muwerk tasks are published to the external MQTT server, and muwerk tasks can transparently subscribe to both other tasks on the same ESP and external topics via the MQTT interface.
  • MCUs without network hardware can be connected to a second system with network hardware via a serial link (MuSerial.h). The two connected systems appear as one system to the outside world, both can publish/subscribe. pub/sub message synchronization is handled automatically via serial link.


munet relies only on:

munet component depends on ustd muwerk Arduino_JSON PubSubClient Network required Platforms
Net.h x x x x ESP8266, ESP32
Ota.h x x x x ESP8266, ESP32
Mqtt.h x x x x x ESP8266, ESP32
MuSerial.h x x serial link between two muwerk nodes All (only serial port required)

Breaking Changes at Version 0.3.0

All network classes in Version 3.0.0 have been deeply refactored in order to provide more functionality and better reliability. Nevertheless there are some breaking changes.

Changed Method Signatures

ustd::Net has now two different Net::begin methods. The default one (selected when invoking net.begin(&sched);) starts the network based on configuration stored in a configuration file located at the filesystem of the device. If the device implements means for managing the configuration, this is the most versatile method. There is still a Net::begin method with a function signature similar to the older version that is intended for hardcoded devices. When starting the network with the other Net::begin method, the configuration is stored in memory and connot be changed any more at runtime.

Since the other network classes have also own configuration files when needed, the support for querying information about network services by publishing net/services/get has been removed.

The format of the net/network/state message has been extended to cover the new features, but is still compatible with older versions.

Also the interface of Mqtt::begin has changed in order to resemble the fact that all passed options are the defaults for options not set in the configuration file mqtt.json.

Changed Configuration File Format

When the device starts for the first time with the new munet library, it will detect an old configuration file and will migrate the content to the new format automatically. After the conversion, the filesystem will contain two configuration files:

  • net.json - the migrated version of the original net.json
  • mqtt.json - the new configuration file for MQTT if the mqtt service was defined in the old configuration file.

See the documentation below for details about the supported configuration options in each file.

Retained Messages

All messages published by the older version of ustd::Mqtt were flagged with the RETAINED flag. This default behaviour has been changed: It is now possible to configure if the default behaviour should be to flag the messages or not. The default is false but if the configuration file was created by migrating an older net.json, the old behaviour will be preserved in order to maintain compatibility of the device (See configuration option alwaysRetain in mqtt.json).

When this option is false (the default setting), there is a new way (for explicit MQTT topics) to specify that a message shall be published as RETAINED: instead of prefixing the topic with one exclamation point, the topic shall be prefixed with double exclamation points. E.g.: !!homeassistant/config.


All muwerk network and mqtt configuration is stored in json formatted files in the LittleFS/SPIFFS file system of the ESP chip. In order to initialize a filesystem on a specific device, create a directory in your local file system of your project named data and place all initial configuration files like net.json or mqtt.json there.

Using platformio, the initial file system containing all files in your data directory is saved to the ESP chip by executing the following commands:

pio run -t buildfs
pio run -t updatefs

'''Note:''' This project has moved from SPIFFS (deprecated) to LittleFS for ESP8266. To continue to use SPIFFS on ESP8266 systems, define USTD_OPTION_FS_FORCE_SPIFFS. See USTD for more information about configuration options and platform defines.

In order to be able to create LittleFS file system images with platformio, your platformio.ini currently needs to contain:

board_build.filesystem = littlefs

SPIFFS and LittleFS are not compatible, if the library is updated, a new file system needs to be created and upload with pio run -t buildfs and pio run -t uploadfs.

Since ESP32 currently does not (yet) support LittleFS, ESP32 projects automatically use SPIFFS for the time being.

Minimal Required Configuration Files

The following minimum configuration files are needed in order to connect to a WiFi network and have mqtt up and running.

Minimum net.json

    "version": 1,
    "mode": "station",
    "hostname": "my-host-name",
    "station": {
        "SSID": "my-network-SSID",
        "password": "myS3cr3t"
    "services": {
        "ntp": {
            "host": ["time.nist.gov"],
            "dstrules": "CET-1CEST,M3.5.0,M10.5.0/3"

Minimum mqtt.json


Network Configuration

The network configuration is stored in a file named net.json.

Sample net.json

    "version": 1,
    "mode": "station",
    "hostname": "muwerk-${macls}",
    "station": {
        "SSID": "my-network-SSID",
        "password": "myS3cr3t",
        "address": "",
        "netmask": "",
        "gateway": "",
        "maxRetries": 40,
        "connectTimeout": 15,
        "rebootonFailure": true
    "ap": {
        "SSID": "muwerk-${macls}",
        "password": "",
        "address": "",
        "netmask": "",
        "gateway": "",
        "channel": 1,
        "hidden": false
    "services": {
        "dns": {
            "host": []
        "ntp": {
            "host": [
            "dstrules": "CET-1CEST,M3.5.0,M10.5.0/3"

Configuration Options Placeholder

Some of the configuration options support the use of placeholders in order to allow values that are specific to a certain devince without the need to create separate configuration files. Placeholders are written in the form of ${PLACEHOLDER}.

The following options allow the the of placeholders:

  • The hostname of the device. The default value of this hostname also uses a plceholder: muwerk-${macls}
  • The SSID for access point mode. Also here the default value uses a plceholder: muwerk-${macls}

The following placeholders are currently available:

  • mac: full mac address
  • macls: last 4 digits of mac address
  • macfs: first 4 digits of mac address

Top Level Configuration Options

Field Usage
version The configuration format version number. Current version is 1. This field is mandatory.
deviceID Unique device ID - will be automatically generated and saved on first start. Useful when replacing a device
mode Operating mode. Can be: off, ap, station or both. Default is ap
hostname Hostname the device will use and report to other services. May also be used to querythe DHCP server
ap Configuration options for access point mode. See description below.
station Configuration options for network station mode. See description below.
services Configuration options for network services. See description below.

Configuration Options for Access Point Mode

The following options are stored in the ap object and apply to access point mode and dual mdoe.

Field Usage
SSID Network name of the wireless network the ESP will host
password Wireless network password
address Static IP address. If not defined, the default of the library is taken - usually
netmask Netmask of static IP address. Must be defined if address is also defined.
gateway Default gateway. Does not really make sense in AP mode, but must be specified.
channel Channel used for AP mode. If not specified, channel 1 is used.
hidden If true, the network created by the AP is hidden. Default is false

Configuration Options for Network Station Mode

The following options are stored in the station object and apply to network station mode and dual mdoe.

Field Usage
SSID Network name of the wireless network the ESP will join
password Wireless network password
address Static IP address. If not defined, the address is obtained via DHCP.
netmask Netmask of static IP address. Must be defined if address is also defined.
gateway Default gateway. Does not really make sense in AP mode, but must be specified.
maxRetries Maximum number of retries before giving up (and rebooting). Default is 40
connectTimeout Connection timeout in seconds. Default is 15 seconds.
rebootonFailure If true the system reboots after reaching maxRetries connection failures. Default is true

Configuration Options for Network Service DNS Client

The DNS client is configured with an object named dns in the services object. The DNS client is only used in network station or dual mode.

Field Usage
host Array of hostnames/ip of DNS servers If empty the provided DHCP value is used

Configuration Options for Network Service NTP Client

The NTP client is configured with an object named ntp in the services object. The NTP client is only used in network station or dual mode.

Field Usage
host Array of hostnames/ip of NTP time servers from which the device synchronizes it's time. If empty the DHCP value is used
dstrules optional timezone and daylight saving rules in unix format

Network Message Interface


Topic   Message Body Description
net/network/get Returns a network information object in json format in a message with topic net/network
net/network/control <commands> Starts, stops or restarts the network (put start, stop or restart in the message body)
net/networks/get <options> Requests a WiFi network scan. The list is returned in a message with topic net/networks. The additional options sync and/or hidden can be sent in the body.


Topic Message Body Description
net/network {...} The current network state as JSON object
net/rssi <rssi value> The current signal value when connected to a WiFi
net/connections <connection count> The number of stations connected to the device in access point mode
net/networks {..} The result of a WiFi scan as JSON object

MQTT Configuration

The MQTT configuration is stored in a file named mqtt.json.

Sample mqtt.json

    "host": "",
    "port": 1884,
    "username": "",
    "password": "",
    "clientName": "${hostname}",
    "domainToken": "mu",
    "outDomainToken": "omu",
    "lastWillTopic": "",
    "lastWillMessage": "",
    "alwaysRetain": false,
    "subscriptions": [],
    "outgoingBlackList": [],
    "incomingBlackList": []

Configuration Options Placeholder

Some of the configuration options support the use of placeholders in order to allow values that are specific to a certain devince without the need to create separate configuration files. Placeholders are written in the form of ${PLACEHOLDER}.

The following options allow the the of placeholders:

  • The clientName of the device. The default value uses a plceholder: ${hostname}
  • The lastWillMessage of the device.

The following placeholders are currently available:

  • mac: full mac address
  • macls: last 4 digits of mac address
  • macfs: first 4 digits of mac address
  • hostname: hostname of the device

Top Level Configuration Options

Field Usage
host Hostname or ip address of the MQTT server. This value is mandatory
port Port number under which the MQTT server is reachable. (default: 1884)
username Username for mqtt server authentication. (default: empty for no authentication)
password Password for mqtt server authentication. (default: empty for no authentication)
clientName The unique MQTT client name. (default: ${hostname})
domainToken Common domain token for device group. (default' mu)
outDomainToken Domain token for outgoing messages. (default: omu)
lastWillTopic Topic of MQTT last will message. (default: <outDomainName>/<clientName>/mqtt/state)
lastWillMessage Message content for last will message. (default: disconnected)
alwaysRetain If true all messages published to MQQ will flagged as RETAINED. (default: false)
subscriptions List of additional subscription to route into the scheduler's message queue. (default: empty)
outgoingBlackList List of topics and topic wildcards that will not be published to the external server
incomingBlackList List of topics and topic wildcards that will not be published to the muwerk scheduler's message queue

MQTT Message Interface


Topic   Message Body Description
mqtt/outgoingblock/set topic[-wildcard] A topic or a topic wildcard for topics that should not be forwarded to the external mqtt server (e.g. to prevent message spam or routing problems)
mqtt/outgoingblock/remove topic[-wildcard] Remove a block on a given outgoing topic wildcard.
mqtt/incomingblock/set topic[-wildcard] A topic or a topic wildcard for topics that should not be forwarded from the external mqtt server to muwerk.
mqtt/incomingblock/remove topic[-wildcard] Remove a block on a given incoming topic wildcard.


Topic Message Body Description
mqtt/config <prefix>+<will_topic>+<will_message> The message contains three parts separated bei +: prefix, the last-will-topic and last-will message. prefix is the mqtt topic-prefix automatically prefixed to outgoing messages, composed of omu (set with mqtt) and hostname, e.g. omu/myhost. prefix can be useful for mupplets to know the actual topic names that get published externally.
mqtt/state connected or disconnected muwerk processes that subscribe to mqtt/state are that way informed, if mqtt external connection is available. The mqtt/state topic with message disconnected is also the default configuration for mqtt's last will topic and message.

MuSerial - exchange of MQTT pub/sub messages between two muwerk MCUs via serial link

Two muwerk systems can be linked via a serial connection, if both run MuSerial. Pub/Sub Messages are exchanged transparently over the serial link. If one of the systems is connected to an external MQTT server, then both systems have access to MQTT pub/sub. To the outside, the system appears as one system, e.g. sensors or actors can be connected to either system, behaving identical to the outside world.

That way, a muwerk MCU without networking hardware can be connected to a network via a second muwerk system with network access via MuSerial.

See Example SerialBridge for a complete overview.


  • 0.4.1 (2022-10-17): Support for ESP32C3 (platform define __ESP32_RISC__).
  • 0.4.0 (2021-01-30): Breaking change for ustd library include: ustd include-files have now ustd_ prefix to prevent name-clashes with various platform-sdks. [queue.h clashed with ESP8266-Wifi, platform.h clashed with RISC-V SDK, hence new names ustd_queue.h and ustd_platform.h etc.]
  • 0.3.2 (2021-01-29): MuSerial: MQTT-enable non-networked hardware via serial link, NTP Bugfix, MQTT connection state fix.
    • Bugfix: NTP initialization on ESP8266 failed often, #6, due to unsafe parameter handling in current configTime() API of ESP8266, fixed.
    • MuSerial: MQTT-via-serial link between two muwerk MCUs to provide MQTT access to hardware without network via serial. MuSerial runs on all platforms and can be used to network-enable hardware via ESPs. See SerialBridge.
    • Fixed handling of mqtt connection state when network connection changes
  • CI (2021-01-38): Github actions build-check for all supported platforms: network for ESPxx, serial for all others.
  • 0.3.1 (2021-01-20): Minor change: enable dependency-managment for Arduino library manager.
  • 0.3.0 (2021-01-20): Next Generation Network: See section "Breaking Changes at Version 0.3.0" for caveats.
    • Support for Access Point mode and Dual Mode (both network station and access point mode)
    • Support for enhanced network scans (async and display of hidden networks)
    • Interface for controlling network operations (start, stop, restart)
    • Detailed and extensible configuration for network and MQTT
    • Support for controlling the RETAINED flag in published messages
  • 0.2.1 (2021-01-02): Small breaking change: the format of the mqtt/state has been simplified: the message contains either connected or disconnected. Configuration information has been moved into a separate message mqtt/config. Support for no outgoing domain prefix (no 'omu') fixed.
  • 0.2.0 (2020-12-25): Initial support for LittleFS on ESP8266.
  • 0.1.99 2020-09 (not yet released): Ongoing preparations for switch to LittleFS, since SPIFFS is deprecated.
  • 0.1.11 (2019-12-27): New mqtt.h api functions addSubscription(), removeSubscription() that allow to import additional topics from external MQTT server. See API doc for details.
  • 0.1.10 (2019-11-17): Add information about external prefix to mqtt/state messages. (HA registration of mupplets requirement)
  • 0.1.9 (2019-11-17): Allow publishing to unmodified topics using ! topic-prefix. Send internal messages with topic mqtt/state
  • 0.1.8 (2019-11-03): NTP Init was unreliable, fixed.
  • 0.1.7 (2019-11-03): ESP32 crashes, if configTime() [for NTP setup] is called while WLAN is not connected. Fixes #2.
  • 0.1.6 (2019-08-06): Outgoing messages (from ESP to MQTT server) are now prefixed by an additional outDomainToken in order to prevent recursions. Older versions did only prefix with ESP's hostname, but at the same time the ESP MQTT client also subscribes to topics starting with it's hostname. This design error caused duplicated messages.
  • 0.1.5 (2019-07-24): This version uses Arduino_JSON for JSON parsing. Older versions relied on outdated versions of the older library ArduinoJson which is no longer supported with muwerk.


  • MQTT doesn't seem to run stable with latest PubSubClient v2.8. It is recommended to use PubSubClient@2.7 for the time being. This seems to affect both ESP8266 and ESP32


ESP32 notes

  • In order to build MQTT for ESP32, PubSubClient v2.7 is needed (PubSubClient 2.8 crashes!).
  • SPIFFS filesystem: Optionally use this Arduino plugin to upload the SPIFFS filesystem to ESP32.
