
(React Basics) Mock up > HTML SCSS > Functional Components > Filter > Search > Routing > Hooks (useState, useEffect, useLocation, useNavigate)

Primary LanguageJavaScript

CoffeeHouse ☕

Amazing React Coffee shop App ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

CoffeeHouse Demo

Stages 📜

  1. mock up
  2. html_structure
  3. section styles
  4. nav
  5. header
  6. our_best
  7. promo
  8. footer
  9. our_coffee_page
  10. product_cards
  11. filter
  12. search
  13. responsive
  14. routing
  15. product_page
  16. json_service
  17. hooks (location, state, effect, navigate)

Folder structure 📂

CoffeeHouse Folder structure

How To Use 🔐

# Clone this repository
$ git clone git@github.com:mux-mux/coffeeHouse.git

# Go into the repository
$ cd coffeeHouse

# Install dependencies
$ npm install

# Start React App
$ npm start