Avatar is a JavaScript library for showing Gravatars or generating user avatars.
There are several examples on the website.
var avatar = new Avatar(document.getElementById('avatar'), {
'useGravatar': false,
'initials': 'MC'
/* or */
'useGravatar': false,
'initials': 'MC'
This example will render an avatar with my initials "MC" as the image.
Avatar is highly customizable and most options are self explanatory:
useGravatar: true # Allow Gravatars or not.
fallbackImage: '' # URL or Data URI used when no initials are provided and not using Gravatars.
size: 80 # Size in pixels, fallback for hidden images and Gravatar
# Initial Avatars Specific
initials: '' # Initials to be used.
initial_fg: '#888888' # Text Color
initial_bg: '#f4f6f7' # Background Color
initial_size: null # Text Size in pixels
initial_weight: 100
initial_font_family: "'Lato', 'Lato-Regular', 'Helvetica Neue'"
# Gravatar Specific
hash: null # Precalculated MD5 string of an email address
email: null # Email used for the Gravatar
fallback: 'mm' # Fallback Type
rating: 'x' # Gravatar Rating
forcedefault: false # Force Gravatar Defaults
allowGravatarFallback: false # Use Gravatars fallback, not fallbackImage
# GitHub Specific
github_id: null # GitHub User ID.
# Avatars.io Specific
use_avatars_io: false # Enable Avatars.io Support
user_id: null # Avatars.io User ID
identifier: null # Avatars.io Avatar Identifier
twitter: null # Twitter ID or Username
facebook: null # Facebook ID or Username
instagram: null # Instagram ID or Username
size: 'medium' # Size: small, medium, large
<script src="avatar.js"></script>
To execute all unit tests, open test/index.html
in your target browser.
These are the browsers I have tested on personally:
- OS X 10.10.2 - Chrome 41.0.2243.2 dev (64-bit)
- OS X 10.10.2 - Firefox 34.0
- OS X 10.10.2 - Safari 8.0.3 (10600.3.10.2)
- iOS 8.1.2 - Safari 8
- iOS 8.1.2 - Chrome 39
- Microsoft Remote Desktop - Internet Explorer 11 (11.0.9879.0)
- OS X 10.10.2 - Chrome 48.0.2541.0 dev (64-bit)
- OS X 10.10.2 - Firefox 41.0.2
- OS X 10.10.2 - Safari 9.0 (11601.1.56)
Pretty styles and design support kindly provided by Andrew Crocker. Built with love at Apptentive.
There are a lot of these and keeping up with them is hard, so here's a list:
- npm - avatar-initials -
- bower -
- jQuery Plugins -
- Jam - avatar-initials -
- Duo -
Avatar is MIT licensed.