
Docker for PHP dev environment (nginx, php-fpm, redis, mailhog)

MIT LicenseMIT

Docker for PHP dev environment

PHP dev environment as Docker Compose configuration. Includes nginx, php-fpm, redis and mailhog.


  1. Create nginx configuration for a project. For instance nginx/site.conf with content:
server {
    listen 80;

    server_name site.local;
    root /app/web;

    include symfony;
  1. Copy .env.dist to .env and define default values of parameters.
  2. Create file with env variables in env folder if needed and define ENV_FILE var in .env file
  3. Run!

Examples of running

# run with default parameters from .env
docker-compose up

# run with php 7.1
PHP_VERSION=7.1 docker-compose up

# run certain project
NGINX_APP_CONF=site.conf APP_PATH=~/Sites/site ENV_FILE=site.env docker-compose up