
This plugin integrates Azure Speech Cognitive Services to Unreal Engine.

Primary LanguageC++

Unreal Engine Plugin: AzSpeech



A plugin integrating Azure Speech Cognitive Services to Unreal Engine with simple functions which can do these asynchronous tasks:

  • Voice-To-Text (Convert a speech to a string)
  • Text-To-Voice (Convert a string to a speech)
  • Text-To-Wav (Convert a string to a .wav audio file)
  • Text-To-Stream (Convert a string to a audio data stream)
  • Wav-To-Text (Convert a .wav audio file to a string)
  • SSML-To-Voice (Convert a SSML file to speech)
  • SSML-To-Wav (Convert a SSML file to a .wav audio file)
  • SSML-To-Stream (Convert a SSML file to a audio data stream)

And helper functions:

  • Convert File to Sound Wave: Runtime USoundWave importer via Audio File
  • Convert Stream to Sound Wave: Runtime USoundWave importer via Audio Data Stream
  • Load XML to String: Load a XML file and pass its content to a string
  • Qualify Path: Check if the path ends with '/'
  • Qualify XML File Path: Check if the filepath ends with the correct extension ".xml"
  • Qualify WAV File Path: Check if the filepath ends with the correct extension ".wav"
  • Qualify File Extension: Check if the file ends with the correct extension
  • Create New Directory: A helper function to create a new folder
  • Open Desktop Folder Picker: Open the default folder picker (Desktop only)
  • Check and Add Android Permission: Check if the app has a specified permission and add if not (Android only)
