A Vue 2 component collection for stripe elements.
Install package:
$ npm i vue-stripe-elements-plus --save
Add Stripe.js library to index.html:
<script src="https://js.stripe.com/v3/"></script>
Build a Vue component using the Card element:
<div id='app'>
<h1>Please give us your payment details:</h1>
<card class='stripe-card'
:class='{ complete }'
@change='complete = $event.complete'
<button class='pay-with-stripe' @click='pay' :disabled='!complete'>Pay with credit card</button>
import { stripeKey, stripeOptions } from './stripeConfig.json'
import { Card, createToken } from 'vue-stripe-elements-plus'
export default {
data () {
return {
complete: false,
stripeOptions: {
// see https://stripe.com/docs/stripe.js#element-options for details
components: { Card },
methods: {
pay () {
// createToken returns a Promise which resolves in a result object with
// either a token or an error key.
// See https://stripe.com/docs/api#tokens for the token object.
// See https://stripe.com/docs/api#errors for the error object.
// More general https://stripe.com/docs/stripe.js#stripe-create-token.
createToken().then(data => console.log(data.token))
.stripe-card {
width: 300px;
border: 1px solid grey;
.stripe-card.complete {
border-color: green;
Even if it is recommended to use the unified Card element, single elements for each field are supported. The following example shows a possible use in a credit card component:
<div class='credit-card-inputs' :class='{ complete }'>
<card-number class='stripe-element card-number'
@change='number = $event.complete'
<card-expiry class='stripe-element card-expiry'
@change='expiry = $event.complete'
<card-cvc class='stripe-element card-cvc'
@change='cvc = $event.complete'
import { CardNumber, CardExpiry, CardCvc } from 'vue-stripe-elements-plus'
export default {
props: [ 'stripe', 'options' ],
data () {
return {
complete: false,
number: false,
expiry: false,
cvc: false
components: { CardNumber, CardExpiry, CardCvc },
methods: {
update () {
this.complete = this.number && this.expiry && this.cvc
// field completed, find field to focus next
if (this.number) {
if (!this.expiry) {
} else if (!this.cvc) {
} else if (this.expiry) {
if (!this.cvc) {
} else if (!this.number) {
// no focus magic for the CVC field as it gets complete with three
// numbers, but can also have four
watch: {
number () { this.update() },
expiry () { this.update() },
cvc () { this.update() }
.credit-card-inputs.complete {
border: 2px solid green;
Even if it is recommended to use the unified Card element, single elements for each field are supported. The following example shows a possible use in a credit card component:
<!-- <stripe-payment/> -->
<card class='stripe-card'
:class='{ complete }'
@change='complete = $event.complete'
<b-btn class='pay-with-stripe' @click='pay' :disabled='!complete' style="font-family: Libre Baskerville; font-size: 14px;">Pay by card</b-btn>
import _ from 'lodash';
import { Card, Stripe } from './index';
export default {
props: [ 'stripe', 'options' ],
data () {
return {
methods: {
async pay() {
// step 1 Generate Payment intents by https://stripe.com/docs/api/payment_intents/create
// step 2 createPaymentMethod
const paymentMethodReq = await Stripe.createPaymentMethod('card', {});
// step 3 confirmCardPayment
let client_secret = get from server in step 1
const confirmPayment = await Stripe.confirmCardPayment(client_secret, {});
watch: {
.credit-card-inputs.complete {
border: 2px solid green;