[CVPR 2023] Official repository of paper titled "MaPLe: Multi-modal Prompt Learning".
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Seed setting
#83 opened by Namgyuseong - 1
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A question about calculate params。
#82 opened by IHikari - 2
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classnames =
#78 opened by GitHub-Ju - 2
Where V-L coupling function?
#75 opened by Sandy-program - 2
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about ImageNet dataset
#79 opened by 6akso - 1
Regarding the dataset-related question
#77 opened by 6akso - 3
#61 opened by Fanfan397 - 2
about backbone
#73 opened by rock5913 - 2
Prompts layer
#72 opened by nwlxcdh255 - 2
MaPLE zero shot ability
#71 opened by zbb1111 - 2
Where is the innovation point
#70 opened by zbb1111 - 2
The problem of multi GPU training
#68 opened by yjn8 - 5
Setting of MAX_EPOCH
#65 opened by dana-niu - 1
text prompt
#74 opened by xylovezxy - 1
fine-tuning on cross-dataset
#67 opened by aymane399 - 2
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Use of ImageNet
#66 opened by dana-niu - 4
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Setting of the n_ctx value
#63 opened by dana-niu - 2
where the coupling function code is implemented?
#62 opened by dana-niu - 2
T-sne plot
#56 opened by jzw-j - 3
For the learnable prompt
#59 opened by ChelsieLei - 1
Can I ask how did you draw this spider chart?
#60 opened by PoopBear1 - 2
Data set failure
#58 opened by dana-niu - 0
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There's no 'design_details' in build_model()
#55 opened by zmj2 - 0
About Personal Datasets
#54 opened by xylovezxy - 4
a question
#53 opened by xylovezxy - 1
#52 opened by Velpro-collab - 2
After modifying MODEL:BACKBONE:NAME to “RN50” in the file vit_b16_c2_ep5_batch4_2ctx.yaml, I encountered an issue during training.
#49 opened by 904763189cy - 2
A minor question about VPT/IndependentVL.
#51 opened by TobyZack - 4
Unable to load trained state_dict
#50 opened by adsbansal - 4
Download Image-Net
#48 opened by PoopBear1 - 5
Inquiry on Fine-tuning MaPLe and Dataset Division
#47 opened by SHIBOYA - 5
MaPLe on a custom dataset, acc low
#44 opened by goncayilmaz - 2
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Build a model
#45 opened by liuchenxin666 - 1
Can MaPLe be a video learner?
#42 opened by JiangjiangLan - 2
Question about
#43 opened by HaoliangZhou - 1
Pretrained models
#40 opened by nikifori - 2
t-SNE plots
#41 opened by jetwu-create - 3
how can I use my own dataset?
#38 opened by fenglincong - 4
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Some errors when I run the code
#36 opened by bf-yang - 1
Hello, regarding the issue of random seeds,
#35 opened by Nieleilei - 7
Tensor shape of textual and visual prompt
#34 opened by xiapeng1110