Introduction: This is a simple Python application that uses a Joke API to generate jokes. Getting Started: To get started please make sure you have docker installed if you want to run the included Dockerfile. Otherwise, here are some basic steps to get started. 1. pip install -r requirements.txt 2. python -n 3 With Docker 1. docker build -t joke_machine . 2. docker run joke_machine Assignment: The objective of this assignment is to create a suite of unit tests and a suite of component tests that showcases your thought process towards testing an application. Attempt to mock out any dependencies to external resources if possible. 1. Create a suite of unit tests that test these functions: get_joke_api() get_joke_type() get_joke() joke_machine_runner() 2. Create a suite of component tests that test the application as a whole. Think of edge cases an end user might attempt. Pre-existing Bugs/Issues: This program is not perfect by any means. Any bugs you find do not need to be fixed. If you do encounter bugs, record them in a readme. Submission: Include a readme explaining the unit tests and component tests, as well as how to run them. There are empty folders to place the respective tests into.