Defaults and recipes used in our deployments.
Based on 'capistrano-helpers' gem:
All deploys are expected to have multistage scenarios.
Some references:
In any capistrano deploy recipe, simply require the helpers that contain the functionality that you would like to add to your recipe. In most cases this also takes care of adding the hook so that the action takes place at the right time during deployment.
Here's an example config/deploy.rb that uses a few helpers:
require 'capistrano-eden' # eden defaults
# Parameters
set :user , 'myapp'
set :port , 22
set :application , 'myapp'
set :repository , ''
That's it! The recipe will now also perform the actions described by the helpers: ask for a branch, call bundle install, use multistage and so on.
Adds task to start/stop/status redis servers.
When using this helper you must specify which servers are running redis:
server "", :web, :app, :redis
server "", :web, :app, :redis
server "", :db , :primary => true
Link all desired config files, local to the deployment server inside ‘#{shared_path}/config’, to #{latest_release}/config dir.
### Symlink from #{shared_path}/config/
### to #{latest_release}/config/
### i.e.
### file(s) => destination_dir/
set :config_files, {
'*.yml' => "config/",
'production.rb' => "config/environments/"
During deployment, this helper replaces each of the given paths with a symbolic link that points to files or directories that contain data that should persist across deployments (uploads, assets, for example).
After requiring this helper, set the paths to be symlinked using the :symlinks variable:
### Symlinks inside #{latest_release}
### path => destination
set :symlinks, {
'/data/common' => "public/common",
'/data/tst/assets' => "public/assets",
'/data/tst/static' => "public/static",
Defines 'deploy:setup' to create all directories correctly, respecting ':umask' and 'ugroup'.
Creates a VERSION file in the deployed copy that contains the name of the branch/tag that was deployed.