
List of Docker base images to pull locally.

Primary LanguageMakefile

Repo: base-pull

List of Docker base images to pull locally.

For development purposes, those images are a reference for comparison in pursuing the smallest size when building new containers.

Reference images: by size.

REPOSITORY    TAG              IMAGE_ID     SIZE
------------- ---------------- ------------ ------
fedora        29               8c568f104326  267MB
fedora        latest           8c568f104326  267MB
centos        centos7.6.1810   d5f224905a66  202MB
centos        7                1e1148e4cc2c  202MB
centos        latest           1e1148e4cc2c  202MB
amazonlinux   2                2467e0b1e917  162MB
amazonlinux   2.0.20181114     2467e0b1e917  162MB
amazonlinux   latest           2467e0b1e917  162MB
debian        latest           4879790bd60d  101MB
debian        stretch-20181112 4879790bd60d  101MB
ubuntu        18.04            93fd78260bd1 86.2MB
ubuntu        latest           93fd78260bd1 86.2MB
python        3.6-alpine       1d981af1e3b4 74.3MB
python        3.7.1-alpine     aadc3feb2b19 78.2MB
alpine        3.8              196d12cf6ab1 4.41MB
alpine        latest           196d12cf6ab1 4.41MB
busybox       1.29             59788edf1f3e 1.15MB
busybox       1.29.3           59788edf1f3e 1.15MB
busybox       latest           59788edf1f3e 1.15MB

Last update: 2018-12-10


Tasks in Makefile:

make show  - show current list of base images
make pull  - pull listed base images
make imgs  - Run 'docker images'