Dataset can be downloaded from here
- Density determined from underwater weighing
- Percent body fat from Siri's (1956) equation
- Age (years)
- Weight (lbs)
- Height (inches)
- Neck circumference (cm)
- Chest circumference (cm)
- Abdomen 2 circumference (cm)
- Hip circumference (cm)
- Thigh circumference (cm)
- Knee circumference (cm)
- Ankle circumference (cm)
- Biceps (extended) circumference (cm)
- Forearm circumference (cm)
- Wrist circumference (cm)
- Have an Azure account with an active subscription. Create an account for free.
- Install Python 3.6 or higher.
- Install the Azure CLI, with which you run commands in any shell to provision and configure Azure resources.
py -3 --version
az --version
az login
A tab will be opened in the browser,login into you're registered azure account,after that we must host our code on github,so first create a repository in github and then copy the url of the repository and clone that repository into the local machine,if code files are already present in the local system,then no need to follow the below step!
Follow this in case your repository is on github and not on our local machine!
git clone <repository_url>
Once cloned the repository,go to that directory by using the cd
command as
cd <cloned_repository_name>
Once the control is inside the cloned repository folder,you need to install all the requirements which are mentioned in the requirements.txt
file,but before that we need to create a virtual environment!,it is very important,so for creating a virtual environment
follow the commands
py -3 -m venv .venv
The above ↑ command will create a virtual environment,then type in
This command is to activate the virtual environment,after this type in
pip install -r requirements.txt
By this command you will install all the packages which are mentioned in the requirements.txt
file,into the virtual environment,once this is done,the task is almost 80% completed,after this inorder to check if the Flask
App is running successfully on local host run this command
flask run
If you face any error while running this command,check out whether you're in the same directory where your
is residing or not,Once this command is successfully executed,the last step is to deploy the flask app on the Azure
Platform,so for that follow the following command ↓
az webapp up --sku B1 --name <app-name>
This will take sometime,after completion of this command,you'll find something like this ↓ in your cmd (for example!)
"URL": "",
Copy that url from URL
and that is your deployment of the web app on the Azure cloud.