
Web Application based on the card game Scout, originally created by Kei Kajino.

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Scout for the Show

This is a web application version of Kei Kajino's Scout for the Show. As no other versions of this incredible game exists, we are creating this online version so that anyone can enjoy it right on their devices.
⚠️ Please note that this game is currently in development! ⚠️
For any inquiries please contact me at my email.

Game Instructions

You have suddenly been appointed as the leader of a circus. Using the members of your circus you must put together a show that will beat out your rivals. Everyone on your team has a specific role. To fill in the gaps on your team, try to scout members away from other circus groups! Will you battle with your current members? Or will you wait it out and try to recruit different ones? You will feel amazing when you make the right choices in this speedy card game!


  • 45 Cards
  • 23 Scout Chips
  • 5 Scout & Show Chips
  • 30 Score Chips (not present in online version)
  • Starting Player Marker


1. Objective

Try to put together and play a stronger set of cards than the other players in order to earn points. The cards that are lined up consecutively are stronger, but you cannot reorder the cards in your hand. Skillfully "Scout" new cards and put on a "Show" while you create a strong hand to try and earn many points. Play as many rounds as there are players; the player with the most total points at the end is the winner!

2. Setting Up the Game

  • Decide on a starting player. This player take the Starting Player Marker. For example, at the start of a round, the starting player could be the player that is holding the card with both 1 and 2 shown on it.
  • Depending on the number of players, return the cards shown below back to the box:
Players # Of Cards To Remove Image
2 1 card 4/2
3 9 cards, all that have a 10 on them. 4/2 4/2 4/2 4/2 4/2 4/2 4/2 4/2 4/2
4 1 card 4/2
5 All cards are used. Do not leave any out!
  • Take out Scout & Show chips equal to the number of players. Return any extra chips to the box.

3. Setting Up the Round

  • Place all scout chips in the center of the table.
  • Give all players 1 Scout & Show chip.
  • Shuffle the cards well and deal all of them to the players evenly. For example, 3 players would leave each player with 12 cards, 4 players would each have 11, and 5 players would each have 9 cards. Be sure to shuffle the cards based on position and orientation.
  • ⚠️ Do not put the cards in your hand until all cards have been dealt.
  • Once all cards have been dealt, place them in your hand so that the other players cannot see the numbers.
  • Hold the cards in your hand so that you can see the large number in the top left. From this point on, these numbers in the top left will be referred to as your hand.
  • ⚠️ During a round, you are not allowed to rearrange turn any of you cards around. They must remain in the same position for entirety of the game.
  • However, only at the start of a round (immediately after checking your hand) you may change the orientation of all your cards at the same time.

4. Your Turn

  • Take turns going clockwise from the starting player. During your turn, you must choose and take one of the following actions:
  1. Show
  2. Scout
  3. Show and Scout

A. Show Choose a set of cards from your hand and place on the table in front of you.
Rule 1: If you will only Show 1 card, you may choose any card from your hand. If you Show more than one card, you must only play consecutive cards from your hand.
What are consecutive cards?
When playing more than 1 card from your hand, the cards must either be consecutive (in order from least to greatest or greatest to least) or must be matching numbers. Again, only play cards that are ascending, descending, or matching. Note: Ascending and Descending cards count the same way in this game.
Consecutive Cards 4 5 6 5 4 1 2 3 4 5
Matching Cards 1 1 1 1 2 2 3 3 3

Rule 2 The set that was shown immidiately before your turn is called the "Active Set". If there is no Active Set, then you can play any set you'd like (at the start of the round there is no Active Set!). If there is an Active Set, you must Show a set that is stronger than the Active Set.
On your turn, take one of the following actions:

A. Show

Look at the amount of cards there are at the Active Set. Play a card via the following rules:

  • Playing more cards is always better
  • A matching set of cards always beats a run of cards (2 2 will beat a 3 4 for instance)
  • If playing a run with the same amount of cards as the Active Set, you must play a run that is higher than that of the Active Set (3 4 would beat a 2 3, but a 8 7 would not beat a 8 9)
  • If playing a set with the same amount of cards as the Active Set, you must similarly play a set that is higher than that of the Active Set (4 4 would beat a 3 3, but 5 5 would not beat a 6 6)
    If you're able to Show based on the following rules above, then go ahead and Show the cards at the center of the table. Immediately take the previous Active Set and place those cards, face down, in a pile next to you. These cards will be used for scoring, covered later.

B. Scout Take one card from the Active Set. If there is more than one card in the Active Set, then:

  • Take a card from either end of the Active Set. You may take that card as the number shown on the card, it as the number it would be when flipped.
  • For example, consider the following Active Set:




  • You can take the 4/2 card and place it in your hand as either a 4 or rotate for a 2. You can also take the 10/9 card and place that in your hand as either a 10 or rotate for a 9. You can only take cards on the ends of the Active Set.

Once complete, the owner (whoever placed the Active Set down that you are Scouting from) will take a Scout Token as a reward. This will also be used for scoring, covered later.

C. Scout & Show

By using the Scout & Show chip and placing it in the middle of the table, you can Show your set immediately after Scouting the active set. Each player can only use their Scout & Show chip once per round.

5. Ending The Round

If any player achieves any of the below conditions, the round ends immediately:

  1. Run out of cards after a Show
  2. After a Show, all the other players could not (or did not) Show their own cards and only Scouted.

6. Calculating the Score

After playing a round, each player must calculate their score based on the following conditions:

  • Each card that was collected and turned over (the cards you took after a Show) are each worth 1 point.
  • Each Scout Token you received are worth 1 point.
  • Subtract one point for each card that you still have in your hand, if you have any.
  • The Active Hand and the Scout & Show tokens do not affect anyone's score.

7. Ending the Game

The player to the left takes the Starting Player marker and becomes the next Starting Player. Return the Scout chips to the center of the table, return each player's Scout & Show chips, and go back to 3. Setting Up the Round

After playing as many rounds as their are players, the player with the most points at the end is the winner. If there is a tie, share the taste of victory!

When playing with two players:

  • In 3. Setting Up the Round, each player will take three Scout chips. The Scout & Show chips are not used.
  • Deal 11 cards each player. After dealing the cards for the first round there will be 22 card remaining. Set these cards aside to be dealt during the second round.
  • During your turn, you can either Show or Scout. You will never Scout & Show. When you Scout, you must place 1 of your scout chips in the center of the table. If you not able to place a Scout Chip, you cannot scout. If you Scout, you will continue to take more turns.
  • If any player achieves any of the below conditions, the round ends immediately:
    1. Run out of cards after a Show.
    2. After a Show, the other player could not Show or Scout.
  • Change the Starting Player and return to 3. Setting Up the Round. For Round 2, each player once again takes 3 Scout chips and then deals the cards that were set aside previously.

*Original Game Credits:*
ver: 1.0
Author: Kei Kajino
Artwork: Jun Sasaki, Rie Komatsuzaki
Production assistance: Keiko Inagaki
English Translation: Nick Poggi, Yuto Fujikawa
Cooperation: Jonathan Apilado, Laura Grundmann, Hiroko Hiraoka, Yoshihiro Ura, Fumihiro Kanaya, Yoshihiro Shindo, Tomoaki Tsuchie, Hisanori Hiraoka, Dan Yamamoto
Publisher: Oink Games Inc.

Made in China 22220920211
©2021 Oink Games Inc.