
Help Support your favorite Restaurants in this time of crisis (Covid-19) - Dineforward.org

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Dine Forward

An open collective of badass folks who want to help the restaurant industry during these trying COVID-19 times. Check it out at dineforward.org.

  • A free platform to give directly to restaurants / bars / local businesses.
  • Tipping encouraged
  • We pass 100% of the $ to restaurants, stripe does take a fee, but nothing more.
  • Soft-Launching with at least 40 restaurants 3/19/20.

Contact team@dineforward.org


  • wkasel <@wkasel>
  • Gregory Nicolas <@gregorynicholas>
  • Trevor O'farrell <@trevor-ofarrell>

Key Contributors:

  • Mark Terrel <@mterrel>
  • Manish Vachharajani <@mvachhar>


Dine Forward is a Next.js application that uses an Express-based back-end via Keystone. It can be run locally via a development server, as well as deployed into various environments that support Docker containers.

Cloud Deployment

Dine Forward is deployed on Google's CloudRun platform using Adapt.js.

To deploy a simple staging environment, make sure the Google Cloud SDK is installed, the gcloud command is in your path, and that you have enabled billing and Cloud Run on GCP. Then simply run:

export DOTENV=<path to your .env file with secrets (see packages/df-api/.env.example)>
cd adapt
adapt run --deployID stage gcloud-stage

Update your environment by, from the adapt directory, using:

adapt update stage

Run a locally hosted docker version of the application by, again from the adapt directory, using:

adapt run --deployID my-dev-deploy local-dev

Find out more about Adapt at adaptjs.org.


You an start a development server by doing

yarn dev

Make sure you have a .env file with the appropriate secrets for the various services DineForward uses. See packages/df-api/.env.example for a sample file. Point your DOTENV environment variable at this file.