Debugging Assessment 7

These are the bug that I found:

  1. Syntax error: js line 3 to 6 Found on the first sight to the code. Missing # to call correctly the id in HMTL.

  2. Syntax error: js line 3 Found error in console pointing to incorrect line. It was used two different quotes " and '.

  3. Syntax error: js line 4 Found error in console pointing to incorrect line. querySelector wasn't written correctly.

  4. Runtime error: js line 17 Found on console data.temp is undefined because we need to follow the order of the object: data.main.temp Moreover, it's better to use Math.round() to avoid decimals in out temperature.

  5. Syntax error: js line 19 Found reading the code. If we write the name of the function with ${} then we will have to write this quotes specifically ``.

  6. Logical error: js line 28 Found reading the conditionals. Below 0 is <.

  7. Logical error: js line 30 Found reading the conditionals. Correct the conditional and finish it to make it between 0 and 10.

  8. Logical error: js line 32 Found reading the conditionals. Correct the conditional and finish it to make it more than 10 until 20.

  9. Syntax error: js line 40 Found error in console pointing to incorrect line. Parameter without parenthesis.

  10. Runtime error: js line 41 Used the console.log to find out that the parameter wasn't use.