STARBUCKS Serverside Javascript Web Development Framework INSTALL & RUN Make sure you have jslibs installed. Run ./cimbali.js. Served files should reside at /var/www/db by default. Create index.html at that dir and access http://localhost/index.html to test STATUS - Barebones webserver running - Answers both GET and POST - Does basic REST/JSON database stuff CouchDB-like TODO - Move to Jaxer platform instead of jslibs 2009/01/24 Added some changes to try and figure out the single POST being accepted but no luck. Apparently the POST triggers the 'readable' function twice, once for headers and the other for the body. 2009/01/25 Now accepts multiple POSTs (and GETs) but if the 1st request is a POST it will fail. Subsequent POSTs work OK. All POSTs will work OK if there's an initial GET. 2009/01/26 Now does basic JSON/REST database stuff like CouchDB. You can PUT to create DBs or JSON docs and POST to change docs. You can GET to retrieve docs. 2009/01/27 Now moving current development (on a REST/JSON oriented DB) to SICAL. Started implementing CouchDB database API 2009/01/28 Most basic CouchDB API implemented. No views or more advanced stuff like compress, etc but enough to do the proof of concept Going for Jaxer port/moveover next. -- MV