"Deepfake detection with deep learning"
Shallow is a web-based application developed using VGG16, a Keras convolutional neural network specializing in photo-recognition, React.js and Tensorflow.js. Our goal with this project was to create a Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) capable of distinguishing between real and faked videos in order to protect the reputation and integrity of anyone who could be affected by faked videos.
In 2017, fake celebrity pornographic videos called Deep Fakes surfaced, creating scandals for all involved and opening the door to what is actually possible to fake. Since it's introduction, the technology behind DeepFakes has been used in politics as well as "revenge porn". As it currently stands, only the quality of the video is able to distinguish the authenticity, and that will disappear as the process is refined.
Our goal with this project was to create a Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) capable of distinguishing between real and faked videos in order to protect the reputation and integrity of anyone who could be affected by faked videos.
- Main Feature
- Data Collection and Processing
- Model Configurations
- Training the Model
- Results
- Acknowledgements
- Project Direction
Tensorflow.js | Keras | React | HTML5/CSS3/JavaScript |
- Loss Function: Categorical Cross Entropy
- Weights: None (Initially random)
- Training Samples: 15614 images (224x224)
- Validation Samples: 4872 images (224x224)
- Epochs Ran: 20
- Batch Size: 100
- Learning Rate: 0.01
- Momentum: 0.9
Our model was train on two separate datasets and validated on an additional two datasets. Training was spent on 15613 different images with a ratio of 50/50 between DeepFake'd images and real images. Validation occured on 4872 with the same 50/50 ratio between DeepFake'd images and real images. The validation dataset are images the model has never encountered before.
Our base model for Shallow is VGG16, an award winning photo-recognition CNN. Since we are using an already establish model, we only needed to fine tune it for our purposes. With that in mind, we were able to achieve 99% accuracy with our model. It should be noted though, that our model was trained on the data available to us and may not be fully representative for all people. With that in mind, we aspire to continue teaching and developing our model if the current trend continues to grow.Very Deep Convolutional Networks for Large-Scale Image Recognition
K. Simonyan, A. Zisserman
- Further training / tweaking
- Diverse dataset
- Extend supported video formats
- Add support for video links
- Extend supported image formats
- Add support for image links
- Individual professional development of Machine-Learning concepts
- Application of model for small organizations