AWS Simple Queue Service (SQS) library for Robot Framework

This library implements a small subset of keywords for the Amazon Simple Queue Service (SQS).

Getting started

Install the library by cloning the repository and use pip to install.

$ git clone
$ cd robotframework-sqs && pip install .

How to use

Import the library in your test case, and pass your SQS Queue name as queue_name, like so:

*** Settings ***
Library     sqs.sqs.SQSClient   queue_name

Supported keywords

Currently only a small subset of SQS operations are supported:

  • queue should be empty – The Queue should be empty (it must not contain any available or in-flight messages)
  • queue should not be empty – The Queue should contain at least one message of any type
  • purge queue – Purges the queue of all messages
  • get number of inflight messages in queue – Returns the number of in-flight messages in the queue
  • get number of available messages in queue – Returns the number of available messages in the queue

Example test case

In the test case below, we first purge the queue from any messages, make sure it is empty and then expect to find a single message of any type.

*** Settings ***
Library     sqs.sqs.SQSClient   my-sqs-queue

*** Test Cases ***
Clear the queue of messages
    purge queue

Wait and check the queue is empty for 90s
    Wait Until Keyword Succeeds  90 sec  1 sec  queue should be empty

Wait until the queue contains messages for 90s
    Wait Until Keyword Succeeds  90 sec  1 sec  queue should not be empty