
Primary LanguageJavaApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

Amazon SQS Java Messaging Lib

Java CI with Maven Quality Gate Status Coverage Maven Central Hex.pm

The Amazon SQS Java Messaging Library holds the compatible classes, that are used for communicating with Amazon Simple Queue Service. This project builds on top of the AWS SDK for Java to use Amazon SQS provider for the messaging applications without running any additional software.

The batch size should be chosen based on the size of individual messages and available network bandwidth as well as the observed latency and throughput improvements based on the real life load. These are configured to some sensible defaults assuming smaller message sizes and the optimal batch size for server side processing.

Request Batch

Combine multiple requests to optimally utilise the network.

Article Martin Fowler Request Batch

Compatible JDK 8, 11 and 17

Compatible AWS JDK v1 >= 1.12

Compatible AWS JDK v2 >= 2.18

This library supports Kotlin aswell

1. Quick Start

1.1 Prerequisite

In order to use Amazon SQS Java Messaging Lib within a Maven project, simply add the following dependency to your pom.xml. There are no other dependencies for Amazon SQS Java Messaging Lib, which means other unwanted libraries will not overwhelm your project.

You can pull it from the central Maven repositories:


For AWS SDK v1
For AWS SDK v2

If you want to try a snapshot version, add the following repository:

    <name>Sonatype Snapshots</name>


For AWS SDK v1
implementation 'com.github.mvallim:amazon-sqs-java-messaging-lib-v1:1.0.0'
For AWS SDK v2
implementation 'com.github.mvallim:amazon-sqs-java-messaging-lib-v2:1.0.0'

If you want to try a snapshot version, add the following repository:

repositories {
  maven {
    url "https://oss.sonatype.org/content/repositories/snapshots"

1.2 Usage

Properties QueueProperty

Property Type Description
fifo boolean refers if SQS is fifo or not.
maximumPoolSize int refers maximum threads for producer.
queueUrl string refers queue url.
linger int refers to the time to wait before sending messages out to SQS.
maxBatchSize int refers to the maximum amount of data to be collected before sending the batch.

NOTICE: the buffer of message store in memory is calculate using maximumPoolSize * maxBatchSize huge values demand huge memory.

Determining the type of BlockingQueue with its maximum capacity

final QueueProperty queueProperty = QueueProperty.builder()
final AmazonSqsTemplate<MyMessage> sqsTemplate = new AmazonSqsTemplate<>(
  amazonSqS, QueueProperty, new LinkedBlockingQueue<>(100));

Using an ObjectMapper other than the default

final QueueProperty queueProperty = QueueProperty.builder()
final AmazonSqsTemplate<MyMessage> sqsTemplate = new AmazonSqsTemplate<>(
  amazonSqS, queueProperty, new ObjectMapper<>());

Using an ObjectMapper and a BlockingQueue other than the default

final QueueProperty queueProperty = QueueProperty.builder()
final AmazonSqsTemplate<MyMessage> sqsTemplate = new AmazonSqsTemplate<>(
  amazonSqS, queueProperty, new LinkedBlockingQueue<>(100), new ObjectMapper<>());

Standard SQS

final QueueProperty queueProperty = QueueProperty.builder()

final AmazonSqsTemplate<MyMessage> sqsTemplate = new AmazonSqsTemplate<>(amazonSqS, queueProperty);

final RequestEntry<MyMessage> requestEntry = RequestEntry.builder()
  .withValue(new MyMessage())



final QueueProperty queueProperty = QueueProperty.builder()

final AmazonSqsTemplate<MyMessage> sqsTemplate = new AmazonSqsTemplate<>(amazonSqS, queueProperty);

final RequestEntry<MyMessage> requestEntry = RequestEntry.builder()
  .withValue(new MyMessage())


Send With Callback

final QueueProperty queueProperty = QueueProperty.builder()

final AmazonSqsTemplate<MyMessage> sqsTemplate = new AmazonSqsTemplate<>(amazonSqS, queueProperty);

final RequestEntry<MyMessage> requestEntry = RequestEntry.builder()
  .withValue(new MyMessage())

sqsTemplate.send(requestEntry).addCallback(result -> {
  successCallback -> LOGGER.info("{}", successCallback), 
  failureCallback -> LOGGER.error("{}", failureCallback)

sqsTemplate.send(requestEntry).addCallback(result -> {
  successCallback -> LOGGER.info("{}", successCallback)

Send And Wait

final QueueProperty queueProperty = QueueProperty.builder()

final AmazonSqsTemplate<MyMessage> sqsTemplate = new AmazonSqsTemplate<>(amazonSqS, queueProperty);

final RequestEntry<MyMessage> requestEntry = RequestEntry.builder()
  .withValue(new MyMessage())

sqsTemplate.send(requestEntry).addCallback(result -> {
  successCallback -> LOGGER.info("{}", successCallback), 
  failureCallback -> LOGGER.error("{}", failureCallback)


Send And Shutdown

final QueueProperty queueProperty = QueueProperty.builder()

final AmazonSqsTemplate<MyMessage> sqsTemplate = new AmazonSqsTemplate<>(amazonSqS, queueProperty);

final RequestEntry<MyMessage> requestEntry = RequestEntry.builder()
  .withValue(new MyMessage())

sqsTemplate.send(requestEntry).addCallback(result -> {
  successCallback -> LOGGER.info("{}", successCallback), 
  failureCallback -> LOGGER.error("{}", failureCallback)



Please read CONTRIBUTING.md for details on our code of conduct, and the process for submitting pull requests to us.


We use GitHub for versioning. For the versions available, see the tags on this repository.


  • Marcos Vallim - Founder, Author, Development, Test, Documentation - mvallim

See also the list of contributors who participated in this project.


This project is licensed under the Apache License - see the LICENSE file for details