
Serverless Functions are triggered when a new file is added to a storage bucket/container, then a log entry is made on a logfile and the file is copied to a “backup” bucket/container on AWS or Azure (Cloud Computing course A3)

Primary LanguagePython


Serverless Functions are triggered when a new file is added to a storage bucket/container, then a log entry is made on a logfile and the file is copied to a “backup” bucket/container on AWS or Azure (Cloud Computing course A3)


  • Name: Mitchell Van Braeckel
  • Student ID: 1002297
  • Course: CIS*4010 Cloud Computing
  • Assignment: 3
  • Brief: Serverless Functions
  • Due: (Extended) Nov 30, 2020

Cloud System 1: AWS

  • Name & Location of Bucket where new file addition triggers function: a3cis4010-mvanbrae on AWS S3
  • Name and Location of Bucket where the file is copied/backed up: copytwomvanbrae on AWS S3
  • Name of the file in the A3 repo containing the function code: lambda_function.py
  • Programming language used: Python 3

Brief description of how the serverless AWS function was set up

The following can be done entirely via the AWS Console:

  1. Precondition - Create 2 buckets via S3 AWS Console:

    • a3cis4010-mvanbrae as source bucket (ie. so it is tracked with a trigger)
    • copytwomvanbrae as destination bucket (ie. where the backup copy of an upload is stored)
  2. Precondition - Using the AWS Console, create an AWS Lambda Function:

    • Use the blueprint s3-get-object-python
    • Configure it with the name a3cis4010-function
    • Create a new role with basic Lambda permissions (option in initial configuration)
    • Set the S3 bucket trigger to the source bucket for all object create events
  3. Precondition - Configure generated template Lambda function code; (see lambda_function.py):

    • Modify it to also copy a backup of the upload to the destination bucket
    • Improve logs: bucket, key (filename), content type (of the upload)
    • Also log successful copy to backup destination bucket
  4. Precondition - Ensure the Lambda function created has the trigger for the S3 source bucket enabled:

  5. Precondition - Create IAM Policy for the AWS Lambda function role & attach the AWS Lambda function role:

    • Choose S3 service for all S3 actions and all resources
    • Review policy, set the name to a3cis4010-policy, then create the IAM Policy
    • Attach the a3cis4010-function-role linked to the AWS Lambda function (created in precondition 2) to the created IAM Policy

Cloud System 1 Usage

  • Upload any file to source AWS S3 bucket a3cis4010-mvanbrae using AWS Console
  • Check associated AWS CloudWatch Logs Log groups for the AWS Lambda Function (ie. /aws/lambda/a3cis4010-function)
    • View the Log stream entries to see the logs for uploads, including:
      • 'Loading function...'
      • BUCKET: "", KEY: "", CONTENT_TYPE: ""
      • the entire response from the upload
      • successful backup copied to another bucket
      • any errors that may occur
  • Afterwards, look at destination for backup copies, AWS S3 bucket copytwomvanbrae, using AWS Console to see the uploads are present and copied over successfully

Cloud System 2: Azure

  • Name & Location of Container where new file addition triggers function: sample-workitems on Azure resource group storage account related to the function app
  • Name and Location of Container where the file is copied/backed up: copytwomvanbrae on Azure resource group storage account related to the function app
  • Name of the file in the A3 repo containing the function code: run.csx & function.json
  • Programming language used: .NET Core / C# Script

Brief description of how the serverless Azure function was set up

The following can be done entirely via the Azure portal:

  1. Precondition - Create the Azure Function App (and its resource group):

    • Create a new resource group as a3cis4010
    • Select the function app name as a3cis4010-function-mvanbrae
    • Select the runtime stack (ie. programming language) as ".NET CORE" (specifically for C# Script in our case)
    • Choose the region as "East US"
    • Use default hosting (storage account name, OS, and plan) and monitoring (insights) config settings, then review and create (the new function app in a new resource group)
    • After the deployment succeeds, go to the resource
  2. Precondition - Create an Azure Blob storage triggered function:

    • From the created Azure Function app (created in precondition 1), go to Functions section and create/add a new Azure Blob storage triggered function
    • Use the "Azure Blob Storage trigger" template
    • Choose the blob trigger function name as log-and-backup-uploads
    • Set the path as the source container with suffix /{name} (refers to upload file name) and the storage account connect as "AzureWebJobsStorage"
  3. Precondition - Create 2 containers via Azure Portal in the same resource group storage account (created in precondition 1)

    • sample-workitems as source container (ie. so it is tracked with a trigger as input source)
    • copytwomvanbrae as destination container (ie. where the backup copy of an upload is stored / output destination from the trigger)
  4. Precondition - Modify generated template function trigger code (created in precondition 2) (see run.csx) and its related bindings (see function.json):

    • Go to the "Code + Test" section of the created blob trigger function
    • Select run.csx from the file dropdown list:
      • Add parameters to the Run() function for the input and output blobs
      • Improve log line and set the output blob to the input blob inside the Run() function
    • Select function.json from the file dropdown list:
      • Ensure blob trigger binding is for path <source-container-name>/{name} (other settings should be fine)
      • Add 2 bindings similar to the blob trigger binding for the input and output blobs
        • the difference is the type is "blob" and direction is "in" or "out" respectively, noting that the output blob path is for <dest-container-name>/{name} instead

Cloud System 2 Usage

  • Open the blob trigger function (ie. /aws/lambda/a3cis4010-function, created in precondition 2) and go to the "Code + Test" section
  • Expand "Logs" at the bottom of the page (ensure that log streaming isn't paused) to view the logs from the blob trigger function (looks like a non-interactive terminal)
  • In another tab/window, go to the source container (ie. sample-workitems) for the function app and similarly open another tab/window for the destination container (ie. copytwomvanbrae)
  • Upload any file to source container using Azure portal second tab
  • Check associated Logs in the first Azure portal tab to see (in blue) the uploads being logged, including: name, size in bytes
  • Afterwards, look at destination for backup copies, third Azure portal tab, using to see the uploads are present and copied over successfully