
Preperation for DCA exam: Orchestration

Primary LanguageDockerfile


Preperation for DCA exam: Orchestration

Starting cluster

Clone the repo and startup with vagrant up. This might take while, it are 4 vm's

This is from DCA study guide:

  • Complete the setup of a swarm mode cluster, with managers and worker nodes
  • State the differences between running a container vs running a service
  • Demonstrate steps to lock a swarm cluster
  • Extend the instructions to run individual containers into running services under swarm
  • Interpret the output of "docker inspect" commands
  • Convert an application deployment into a stack file using a YAML compose file with "docker stack deploy"
  • Manipulate a running stack of services
  • Increase # of replicas
  • Add networks, publish ports
  • Mount volumes
  • Illustrate running a replicated vs global service
  • Identify the steps needed to troubleshoot a service not deploying
  • Apply node labels to demonstrate placement of tasks
  • Sketch how a Dockerized application communicates with legacy systems
  • Paraphrase the importance of quorum in a swarm cluster
  • Demonstrate the usage of templates with "docker service create"

You can build the presentation yourself:

docker build -t mwtf1/dcaorchestration
docker run -d -p 8000:1948 mwtf1/dcaorchestration:latest

Complete the setup of a swarm mode cluster, with managers and worker nodes

Install docker on all the nodes and initiate cluster

State the differences between running a container vs running a service

Demonstrate steps to lock a swarm cluster

Extend the instructions to run individual containers into running services under swarm

Interpret the output of "docker inspect" commands

Convert an application deployment into a stack file using a YAML compose file with "docker stack deploy"

Manipulate a running stack of services

Increase # of replicas

Add networks, publish ports

Mount volumes

Illustrate running a replicated vs global service

Identify the steps needed to troubleshoot a service not deploying

Apply node labels to demonstrate placement of tasks

Sketch how a Dockerized application communicates with legacy systems

Paraphrase the importance of quorum in a swarm cluster

Demonstrate the usage of templates with "docker service create"