BuiltinVotes is a SourceMod Extension that lets plugins use the L4D/L4D2/TF2 built-in vote screens.
First clone the repository to your SourceMod SDK's public directory:
cd sourcemod/public
git clone https://github.com/mvandorp/builtinvotes.git
Then run make to build the project:
cd builtinvotes
make ENGINE="left4dead2"
This will compile the project to create a sourcemod extension.
Download one of the binaries archives from the releases on the GitHub repository and simply extract the archive to your server's 'left4dead2' directory to install it.
BuiltinVotes is created by "Powerlord" https://forums.alliedmods.net/showthread.php?t=162164 https://code.google.com/p/sourcemod-builtinvotes/
This entire project is released under the AlliedModders modified GPLv3.