
For the last few days I've been teaching myself python, here is a couple of tools I've made for maya in the process.

Primary LanguagePython


For the last few days I've been learning python, here's a few tools I've made in the process

PoseSaver tool :

Call LoadPoseSaver() to launch pose saver, make sure you have set up your icon path before attempting to use this script.

  • Click add pose to add currently selected controllers to the saved pose
  • Click load setup to load previously saved poses from file
  • Click save setup to save current poses to file Saved setups will be saved and loaded from the icons folder setup

mirrorscript [WIP][NO UI]:

a small script I wrote and use to mirror controllers when animating

LightControllerV2 tool :

collects all the lights in the scene in one window and alows you to change visibility, color and intensity

  • rewritten so now it links to the light properties directly

LightController tool [deprecated]:

collects all the lights in the scene in one window and alows you to change color and intensity

  • written using classes before I knew it was possible to directly link properties

Asset Tracking tool:

It finds all files selected in the scene and allows a user to quickly override all their paths

Spiral Creation tool:

The first tool I wrote to learn python, it allows you to set up some settings and create a spiral out of spheres