
Performance speedup

NKMatha opened this issue · 3 comments

Hi team,

I was trying to make soap call to fusion cloud, when i was trying to establish client its getting time out so i have saved the wsdl in local and trying to make sopa calls but the client.server.xxxxx() is taking too long for just small task.

from zeep import Client
from zeep.transports import Transport
import logging

url = r"C:\Users\user\Downloads\SecurityService.xml"
client = Client(url)

req = client.service.login(userID='user',password='passwd') #taking long time

Hey NKMatha,

I'm experiencing the same for Oracle Fusion. I had a script that ran perfectly, but now does not run. I swapped it out for suds and the auth worked near instantly to return the session key. Did you find a fix yourself? I'm going to run some more tests by returning the session key with suds and parsing in the SK into zeep.

Hi @aaronleggett96,
Even i have shifted to suds, thats look better for me.