Pinned issues
- 0
Possible wrong handling of timezones in dates
#1444 opened by nezumisama - 3
RFE: use `zoneinfo` instead of `pytz`
#1420 opened by kloczek - 0
Request failed
#1440 opened by Tong2023 - 6
- 4
- 0
httpx: DeprecationWarning: Use 'content=<...>' to upload raw bytes/text content.
#1404 opened by buhln - 0
- 2
Zeep fails to parse `24:00:00` as `xsd:time` (ValueError: hour must be in 0..23)
#1401 opened by Trolldemorted - 0
Consider passing in an SSLContext when creating the httpx client if you need ssl
#1366 opened by bdraco - 1
Client is not allowed to use this service
#1367 opened by fornakter - 1
Can't insert any type into SOAP envelope
#1379 opened by MarkoZadravec - 3
Performance speedup
#1375 opened by NKMatha - 1
- 1
Unknown error
#1373 opened by arunbansal-cpi - 1
Adding Attribute
#1377 opened by YairThuAung - 1
- 0
Looking for co-maintainers
#1434 opened by mvantellingen - 8
- 1
Wrongs Namespace
#1392 opened by isysoftware - 1
zeep.exceptions.XMLParseError: Unexpected element
#1385 opened by dkozlowski569 - 1
does it support multiple return values?
#1396 opened by jeffery9 - 0
Please use Discussions for support/questions
#1435 opened by mvantellingen - 1
The nginx/openresty SOAP to REST library based on zeep.
#1382 opened by kingluo - 1
Error: Definition not found, but WSDL is working
#1424 opened by erenirmak - 1
- 1
Isodate 0.7.2 breaks zeep
#1431 opened by santiagoblancov - 0
Add a network pytest mark for tests that use the network
#1402 opened by mcepl - 12
DeprecationWarning: 'cgi' is deprecated and slated for removal in Python 3.13
#1388 opened by andreabisello - 1
OperationProxy return types
#1425 opened by atatarn - 0
WSSE signature plugin for SecurityTokenReference
#1419 opened by jaspercram - 0
- 0
- 0
AsyncClient has a blocking constructor
#1409 opened by Thalisson-Alves - 0
Client only parses xsd type extensions one level
#1407 opened by atlantis-dsf - 1
Access to HTTP request?
#1397 opened by silentbugs - 0
Input message with multi parts
#1406 opened by zmichal-anasoft - 0
Cloudflare and <soap:Header>
#1400 opened by JonhSilver - 0
[4.2.1] Validation Error Exception
#1399 opened by ThomasGessert - 1
passing a composite element to a service operation
#1395 opened by giuliohome - 0
while requestHeader method generates header based on operation name soaptype returns request header
#1394 opened by Sreenivasulu-Reddi - 0
RuntimeWarning: Running interpreter doesn't sufficiently support code object introspection
#1390 opened by nbro10 - 1
#1387 opened by berkorbay - 0
- 0
zeep.exceptions.Fault: The action requested requires authorization and the sender is not authorized -> profile = media.GetProfiles()[0]
#1381 opened by fti-sbargule - 1
not connected to PTZ camera
#1380 opened by fti-sbargule - 1
- 2
Certificate verify failed: self signed certificate
#1378 opened by stodge - 0
Can't Add Attribute
#1376 opened by YairThuAung - 0
zeep-generator? tool for generating Python code based on a WSDL document?
#1372 opened by AlexandreHGuerra - 0