
Rewrite of ZX Spectrum action game Snaker.

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT



Based on an arcade action game, I wrote a ZX Spectrum version of it in ZX Basic way back in 1985. The game was bought by the UK magazine Spectrum Computing, and the ROM can still be found on the internet.

Recently I discovered you can program for the ZX Spectrum within Visual Studio by using the integrated ZX Spectrum IDE called SpectNet IDE using a slighlty modified version of ZX Basic.

So I did...

Play it

Using the Javascript ZX Spectrum emulator JSSpeccy you can play the game here.


The original code

Getting the most performance out of the ZX Spectrum, every trick out of the book was used:

1 LET s=0: LET w=0: LET t=0: LET sl=3: LET bl=1: GO TO (10 AND PEEK 65507 <>243)+(9000 AND PEEK 65507=243)
2 LET x=20: LET y=30: DIM x(1005): DIM y(1005): LET l=bl+1: LET a=l: LET t=550-10*a: LET c$="7": FOR f=1 TO bl: LET x(f)=x: LET y(f)=(y-bl)+f: PRINT AT x(f),y(f); INK 3;"\O": LET u= USR 65232: NEXT f
3 LET xt=0: LET yt=0: LET xt=2*(c$="6")-2*(c$="7"): LET yt=2*(c$="8")-2*(c$="5")
4 IF x+xt<0 OR x+xt>20 OR y+yt<0 OR y+yt>30 THEN GO TO 9
5 LET x=x+xt: LET y=y+yt: LET x(a)=x+(xt=-2)-(xt=2): LET y(a)=y+(yt=-2)-(yt=2): LET x(a+1)=x: LET y(a+1)=y: LET a=a+2: LET l=l+1
6 IF ATTR (x,y)=242 THEN LET u= USR 65232: LET p=p+1: IF p=20 THEN GO TO 10
7 IF ATTR (x,y)=67 OR t <=0 THEN GO TO 14
8 PRINT AT x(a-l),y(a-l);" "; AT x(a-2),y(a-2); INK 3;"\O"; AT x,y;"\O"
9 LET c$= INKEY$: LET t=t-1: PRINT AT 21,5;t;" ": GO TO 3+(c$="")
10 LET p=0: LET w=w+1: LET bl=bl+3*(bl<31): LET s=s+t*w: CLS 
11 FOR f=0 TO 18 STEP 2: LET q=( INT ( RND*14)*2)+2: LET o= INT ( RND*16)*2: LET q=q-2*(q=o): PRINT AT f,q; INK 2; PAPER 6; FLASH 1;"\A"; AT f,o;"\A": NEXT f
12 FOR f=1 TO 19 STEP 2: PRINT AT f,1;"\A \A \A \A \A \A \A \A \A \A \A \A \A \A \A": NEXT f
13 PRINT AT 21,0;,,; AT 21,0;"TIME:"; AT 21,9;"SCORE:";s; AT 21,22;"WAVE:";w; AT 21,30;"\O" AND sl >=2;"\O" AND sl=3: GO TO 2
14 PRINT AT x(a-2),y(a-2);"\O": LET u= USR 65200: FOR f=a-l TO a-2: PRINT AT x(f),y(f);" ": NEXT f: LET sl=sl-1: LET s=s+w*(550-t): GO TO 13+2*(sl=0)
15 CLS : PRINT AT 2,12; INK 3;"SNAKER": IF s>h(10) THEN PRINT AT 4,7;"CONGRATULATIONS!!!": INPUT "YOUR INITIALS,PLEASE!!!"; LINE n$: FOR f=10 TO 2 STEP -1: LET h(f)=h(f-(h(f-1)<s)): LET h$(f)=h$(f-(h(f-1)<s)): IF h(f)<s THEN LET h(f-1)=s: LET h$(f-1, TO 4)=n$
16 NEXT f: PRINT AT 6,4;"HI-SCORE:"; AT 6,21;"INITIALS:": FOR f=8 TO 17: PRINT AT f,2;f-7; AT f,6;h(f-7); AT f,21;h$(f-7): NEXT f: PRINT AT 20,8;"DO YOU REQUIRE"'" PLAYING INSTRUCTIONS?(Y or N)": PRINT #1;"     Or Press 'Q' to QUIT": LET x=0: LET y=0: LET xl=255: LET yl=175
17 OVER 1: PLOT x,y: DRAW xl,0: DRAW 0,yl: DRAW -xl,0: DRAW 0,-yl+1: LET x=x+1: LET y=y+1: LET xl=xl-2: LET yl=yl-2: OVER 0: GO TO 17+(yl=-1 OR INKEY$="Y")-16*( INKEY$="N")+13*( INKEY$="Q")
18 CLS : FOR f=7 TO 4 STEP -1: INK f: PRINT AT 2,12;"SNAKER"; AT 4,0;"Move snake with the CURSOR keys","and munch the dots in the field","Try to avoid a crash with the","body of the snake","When you come further into the","game the snake starts longer","while your time","is less"; AT 13,11;"Good luck!": LET u= USR 65232: NEXT f
19 GO TO 19*( INKEY$="")
21 FOR f=1 TO 2: READ b$: FOR a=0 TO 7: READ x: POKE USR b$+a,x: NEXT a: NEXT f
22 DATA "\O",60,126,126,255,255,126,126,60
23 DATA "\A",0,0,60,60,60,60,0,0
24 CLEAR 65199: FOR f=65200 TO 65254: READ x: POKE f,x: NEXT f
25 DATA 58,72,92,31,31,31,230,7,225,229,95,14,0,22,15,126,230,16,131,211,254,65,16,254,35,21,32,243,13,32,238,201,1,80,0,33,0,5,237,66,17,1,0,229,197,205,181,3,193,225,124,167,32,240,201
26 DIM h(10): DIM h$(10,4): LET s=10000: FOR f=1 TO 10: LET h(f)=s: LET h$(f)="MF ": LET s=s-1000: NEXT f: POKE 23658,8
27 GO TO 15
35 LIST 9e3: STOP 
100 LET a= PEEK 65535: POKE 65535,96: IF PEEK 65535 <>96 THEN CLS : PRINT ''''"  SORRY - SNAKER REQUIRES 48K"''"                         ": GO TO 35
110 POKE 65535,a: POKE 23733,255: POKE 23676,255
9000 SAVE "Snaker" LINE 20: PRINT USR 65507

It does not follow all software design principles we know nowadays, but it did the job...


Refactoring the original code was a lot of fun and in the process of it I even discovered a couple of bugs. I'm not sure if the new code in it's current state is easier to understand than the original ;-)
