
A comprehensive cloud software solution designed for botany enthusiasts

Primary LanguagePython

Trippy Botanicals

This project is the final deliverable for the Rumos DevOps Academy.


It's a comprehensive cloud software solution designed for botany enthusiasts. The platform facilitates online sales of flowers, various plants, and cultivation products, and includes a range of features to enhance the user experience.


  • Cart System: Users can add items to their cart for purchase.
  • Checkout: A seamless checkout process for completing purchases.
  • Inventory System: Efficient management of product stock and availability.
  • Plant Identification Challenge: Users can participate in challenges to identify plants and earn points.
  • Community Photo Upload: Users can upload photos of plants for community assistance in identification.

Environment Variables

To run this project, create a .flaskenv configuration file in the root project folder and add the following variables:

FLASK_APP = Set the value to: trippy.py

FLASK_ENV - Set the environment. Use development to run it locally.

FLASK_SECRET_KEY - A secret key that will be used for securely signing the session cookie and can be used for any other security related needs by extensions or your application. It should be a long random string of bytes, although unicode is accepted too.

WTF_CSRF_SECRET_KEY - Random data for generating secure tokens for the WTForms library. If this is not set then SECRET_KEY is used.

Production specific environment variables:

In addition to the ones above, to run this project in production environment, the following variables are also required:

AZURE_STORAGE_CONTAINER_NAME - The name of the Azure Blob Storage container used to store application data such as images uploaded by users.

AZURE_STORAGE_CONNECTION_STRING - The connection string for accessing Azure Blob Storage service. It contains the credentials and the endpoint for connecting to the Azure Storage account.

AZURE_DB_SERVER - The hostname of the Azure SQL Database server. Example: .database.windows.net

AZURE_DB_NAME - The name of the specific database used by the application

AZURE_DB_USERNAME - The username for authenticating to the Azure SQL Database.

AZURE_DB_PASSWORD - The password for authenticating to the Azure SQL Database.

SERVICE_BUS_CONNECTION_STRING - The connection string for accessing Azure Service Bus.


Install packages by running:

  pip install -r requirements.txt

Run database migrations:

  flask db upgrade

If you're using the development environment, this will create a SQLite database in /tmp/trippy.db.

If you need dummy data for development, then run:

  flask demo seed

Development Environment vs. Production Environment

Database Choice

The project uses different databases for development and production to manage costs effectively and simplify setup:

  • Production: Uses an Azure SQL Database for robust, scalable, and secure data storage.
  • Development: Uses a SQLite database located at /tmp/trippy.db to minimize Azure cloud costs and allow quick setup.

File Storage

  • Production: Uses Azure Blob Storage for file storage to ensure scalability and availability.
  • Development: Stores files locally in the /app/static/uploads directory. If you need to clean the local storage during development, you can run the following command:
 flask storage clean_local

Building and Running the Docker Image

Building the Docker Image:

  1. Clone the repository to your local machine.
  2. Navigate to the project directory.
  3. Run the following command to build the Docker image:
  docker build -t trippy-app .

Running the Docker Container:

docker run -d -p 8000:8000 --name trippy-container \
-e FLASK_ENV=development \
-e FLASK_SECRET_KEY=your_flask_secret_key \
-e WTF_CSRF_SECRET_KEY=your_csrf_secret_key \
-e AZURE_STORAGE_CONTAINER_NAME=your_storage_container_name \
-e AZURE_STORAGE_CONNECTION_STRING=your_storage_connection_string \
-e AZURE_DB_DRIVER=your_db_driver \
-e AZURE_DB_SERVER=your_db_server \
-e AZURE_DB_NAME=your_db_name \
-e AZURE_DB_USERNAME=your_db_username \
-e AZURE_DB_PASSWORD=your_db_password \

Once the container is running, you can access the application by navigating to http://localhost:8000 in your web browser.