
This tooling tests matryoshka (The SUSE base container images) containers with common use cases, described in test_*

Primary LanguagePythonApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

Container testing

What is this?

This is our tooling to test the BCI containers, ensuring they are matching what our ISVs are expecting, e.g.:

  • ensure that they don't exceed a certain size,
  • working with multi-stage dockerfiles,
  • able to build common software for the languages stacks that we provide,
  • test how they behave in FIPS enabled environments,
  • ...

How can I contribute?

  • Create a PR to increase test coverage (See below for further information).
  • Create an issue, stating your use case.
  • Improve our documentation.

What do I need to contribute?

  • A host with python 3.8+
  • tox
  • docker or podman+buildah

Technical contributions

Adding new containers and their tests

  1. Find container "type" or "language"
  2. Add it into tox.ini in envlist, if not present.
  3. Create or update a file named test_<container_type>.py (for example, test_python.py)
  4. Add your tests there based on testinfra
  5. Ensure the container data is up to date by updating matryoshka_tester/data.py.

Extending coverage/Writing tests for existing containers

Just use testinfra documentation (linked above). It should be easy.

You can use the convenience tools from conftest:

  • If you are using the "container" fixture, your test will auto generate the right tests for all the versions of your language. This is auto loaded, and doesn't need anything from your side except using the keyword "container". See below for more details.
  • If you want to skip some of those tests, use the decorator named restrict_to_version, which accepts a list of strings of the versions for which to run the test. See below for more details.

The container fixture

The container fixture contains the black magic to run commands for all versions of a language container. If you need to run a test only for certain versions of a language stack, you have the following three options (by order of preference):

  1. Use the restrict_to_version decorator to limit which containers your test applies to.
  2. Create your own fixture
  3. Modify the container fixture. The container fixture automatically finds the testfile filename, uses it to infer the language of the container under test, and starts all the necessary containers. See also conftest.py.

The restrict_to_version decorator

This decorator accepts a list of strings matching the versions from data.py.

To use it:

  1. add from conftest import restrict_to_version to your imports.
  2. wrap your test function as follow (assuming openjdk here):
def mytest(container):
  • If you want to restrict certain tests from running in parallel, add the serial mark to the respective function:
def test_my_heavy_installation(container):

In the example above, the test function mytest will only run for the openjdk:11 container, instead of all the containers for openjdk.

Running all tests

$ tox --parallel

Running specific tests

$ tox -e testname

testname equals to python for the test file named test_python.py

This will run all the tests for a language, which could mean multiple stacks.

Testing on FIPS enabled systems

The base container tests execute a different set of tests on a FIPS enabled system. Currently, the CI does not run on such a system, so these must be executed manually. If you do not have access to such a system, you can use a prebuild vagrant box from the Open Build Service for this.

Install vagrant and create the following Vagrantfile:

Vagrant.configure("2") do |config|
  config.vm.box = "SLES15-SP3-Vagrant.x86_64"
  config.vm.box_url = "https://download.opensuse.org/repositories/home:/dancermak:/SLE-15-SP3/images/boxes/SLES15-SP3-Vagrant.x86_64.json"
  config.vm.provider :libvirt do |libvirt|
    libvirt.cpus = 4
    libvirt.memory = 4096

Then execute the following commands:

$ vagrant up
$ vagrant ssh
# you're now in the VM
vagrant@localhost:~> cat /proc/sys/crypto/fips_enabled
vagrant@localhost:~> git clone https://github.com/SUSE/m8a-tests && cd m8a-tests
vagrant@localhost:~/m8a-tests> python3 -m venv .env3 && . .env3/bin/activate && pip install tox
(.env3) vagrant@localhost:~/m8a-tests> tox -e base