Welcome! 🎉🎊 This repository contains the starter files for the HTML & CSS Crash Course workshop. Using this starter code, we will each build and deploy a personal website. This README file contains instructions for how to install the prerequisite tools needed to build with this starter repsository.
Before getting started, make sure that you have the following installed and ready to go:
- A modern web browser, we recommend Google Chrome
- A code editor, we recommend Visual Studio Code
- Node.js (visit website, download the latest LTS version 12.14.1 and follow install instructions)
- Git (visit website, download and follow installation instructions)
You should also have a GitHub account and have your machine set up for GitHub; you can follow the instructions here
First, install the dependencies needed to develop and build your website by running the following command:
$ npm install
Next, launch a development server that will serve your website and automatically refresh when any changes are detected by running:
npm run dev
For generating a production build of your project, run:
npm run build
Raise your hand, or if you have a question later/outside of this workshop, send me a tweet @mehdi_vasigh