
Primary LanguageShellApache License 2.0Apache-2.0


This repository contains source code and resource manifests to build Federation-v2 images using ci-operator as part of the OpenShift build process.

Federation v2 is deployed as an operator using OLM.

Layout of this repository

  • The stub.go and stub_test.go files are intentionally-non-compileable stub files that contain imports to drive dep to put the right things into the vendor directory
  • The vendor/ directory holds a pinned version of federation-v2 and its dependencies
  • The Dockerfile in the root directory is used to build enterprise images and performs binary builds only
  • The manifests/ directory contains manifests to configure OLM to deploy federation-v2
  • The olm-testing/ directory contains a Dockerfile for building an operator registry that hosts the OLM manifests
  • The scripts/ directory holds scripts to populate manifests

Continuous Integration


This project has tooling allowing you to develop against your own image repositories in quay.io without having to make local changes. Quick development guide follows.


You must have:

  • An OpenShift 4.0 cluster and cluster-admin rights for that cluster
    • The federation-test namespace must exist in your cluster
  • Your own quay.io account and the following image repositories under that account:
    • origin-federation-controller
    • federation-operator-registry
  • The oc binary in your PATH

Build the container image

Build and push the container image to your origin-federation-controller image repository using this command:

For this step, use image tag quay.io/<your quay account>/origin-federation-controller:v4.0.0.

$ docker build . -t quay.io/<your quay account>/origin-federation-controller:v4.0.0
$ docker push quay.io/<your quay account>/origin-federation-controller:v4.0.0

Create an operator registry

Use the scripts/push-operator-registry.sh script to push an image containing an operator registry. This script takes your quay.io account name as an argument:

$ ./scripts/push-operator-registry.sh pmorie
Building operator registry with tag quay.io/pmorie/federation-operator-registry
Sending build context to Docker daemon  53.34MB
Step 1/4 : FROM quay.io/openshift/origin-operator-registry:latest

Note, this script accepts a parameter for the name of the repository to push to; use this to inject your quay account name.

Install federation using OLM

Run the scripts/install-using-catalog-source.sh script to install federation into the federation-test namespace using OLM. This script takes your quay account name as an argument, and optionally the type of deployment to subscribe to:

$ scripts/install-using-catalog-source.sh pmorie <namespaced|cluster-scoped>
catalogsource.operators.coreos.com/federation created
operatorgroup.operators.coreos.com/namespaced-federation created
subscription.operators.coreos.com/namespaced-federation-sub created

This script:

  • Configures a CatalogSource for OLM that references the operator registry you built
  • Creates an OperatorGroup
  • Creates a Subscription to the operator that drives OLM to install it in your namespace

Note, if you run this script without an argument, you will get federation deployed in a namespaced scope. To deploy the cluster-scoped version, you should run:

$ ./scripts/install-using-catalog-source.sh pmorie cluster-scoped
catalogsource.operators.coreos.com/federation created
operatorgroup.operators.coreos.com/cluster-scoped-federation created
subscription.operators.coreos.com/cluster-scoped-federation-sub created